Glasgow department stores

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Postby elgee » Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:05 am

There was an Arnotts in Drumchapel too !! Do ye remember. Also Golbergs never opened on a Saturday, fer religious reasons I believe, until LATE 60`S mebbe even early 70`s. Didn`t they hav codes instead of prices on their wee tickets? I think it had somethin to do with what kind of "line" you had or was that Bremners ?
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Postby glasgowken » Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:11 am

:-) I remember the Drum Arnotts, I think it lasted until 1980 or thereabouts.
The Drumchapel shopping centre also had other famous names, Woolworths, John Menzies, & the Co-op among them. Now it has a Sommerfield, two bookies, and a job centre :roll:
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Postby elgee » Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:14 am

I know, The shops at Drumchapel are one of the the saddest places I have ever been. All that new housing and thon horrible "shopping centre"
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Postby glasgowken » Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:26 am

It's supposed to be getting demolished soon, I try to avoid it but my doc's surgery is opposite the front, so occasional visits are unavoidable.

Before the massive clearing of the Drum it was busy, but still quite grim.
I've actually got a few good childhood memories of the place, but I won't be sorry to see it go (well, maybe just a little :cry:).
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Postby elgee » Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:41 am

I know, I hav a friend who remembers the upstairs restuarant facing the health centre as being "quite posh"
I work in Drumchapel. just recently and it worries me that even though there is some really nice , new houses some folk still have taken no pride or "ownership" of them. The gardens, such as they are are stll the pits , rubbish is abandoned willy nilly etc. Altho ther is one RFC supporter who obviously has spent a LOT of money having metal fencing made with his favourite team logo on it. Anither thing that wirries me about an area where ther is obvious signs of poverty is - how many dogs there are !! Cannae feed the weans, looking fer handouts frae children in need n Clyde action but a big dug or two tae feed !! come oan, whit is that about. Also seems to huv a high ratio of taxis in the area, or is that jist my imagination ?? It worries me , I m not just moaning about it.
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Postby Dexter St. Clair » Fri Dec 29, 2006 11:18 am

elgee wrote: Anither thing that wirries me about an area where ther is obvious signs of poverty is - how many dogs there are !! Cannae feed the weans, looking fer handouts frae children in need n Clyde action but a big dug or two tae feed !! come oan, whit is that about. Also seems to huv a high ratio of taxis in the area, or is that jist my imagination ?? It worries me , I m not just moaning about it.

Not being a dog owner I can only speculate that some residents may see a dog as an essential. Essential to keep a haud of their few other posessions and maybe an essential companion in a society where social contact is very restrictive.

You may find that Children in Need and Cash for Kids in particular raise quite a bit of money from Drumchapel residents some of which is handed over to local Community groups in Drumchapel to use. You may call it hand outs but I leave that sort of language to readers of what i term the gutter press. You know the ones who stigmatise a person from where they live.

The Cash for Kids Guidelines can be found here.

How the poor spend their money has always been a cause for concern. We have a strand on here regarding the use of buses after 4pm. I'm sure many Drumchapel residents would like to have their own car. but they make a choice and most of them use public transport. However in terms of transporting shopping, a taxi can be very handy and worth the cost particularly if you share.

Is it true what they say about private hire companies. Are they a good front for laundering cash and transporting drugs and customers?

The poor also have this habit of choosing ultimately the most expensive way of doing things. it's a while since I've seen a provi cheque but they are very common in Drumchapel. It's their money and how they spend it is their choice. I'm sure I and the Drumchapel Credit Union would like to see more saving.

There is an interesting survey on Drumchapel here.

As you will see most residents have lived there for more than ten years so they do like the area. Young people are more likely to move but that's true for any area. They all agree about the need to review the shopping centre.

Having walked up and down many a street and close in drumchapel I cannot work out why one can look better than other. Even within a close one landing can lower the tone as they say. Obviously it's the people who make the difference. Maybe a more stalinist approach on behalf of the local Housing association might make a difference?
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Postby gordon » Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:21 pm

Oh its a fun place - worked in the Chemist's opposite the health centre for a couple of years (both parents were pharmacists in there)....banter tastic i must say.

I'm tempted to write a sitcom about it.
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Postby BTJustice » Fri Dec 29, 2006 5:05 pm

I may be imagining things here as nobody else who I have mentioned this to remembers it but I can vividly remember a coca-cola sign on the side of the Sauchiehall centre facing the Marks and spencer.
It was a uge thing (to a kid of about 6 or 7) and was made up of red and silver sequins which moved in the wind.
We must be talking before 1985 here.

Anybody else remember or have pics?

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Postby AMcD » Fri Dec 29, 2006 5:15 pm

BTJustice wrote:I may be imagining things here as nobody else who I have mentioned this to remembers it but I can vividly remember a coca-cola sign on the side of the Sauchiehall centre facing the Marks and spencer.
It was a uge thing (to a kid of about 6 or 7) and was made up of red and silver sequins which moved in the wind.
We must be talking before 1985 here.

Anybody else remember or have pics?


Don't think it was a coca-cola sign...
Wasn't it the sign for the La Scala picture house?

It's on Nodrog and Gap74's cinema site. ... 984_ja.jpg
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Postby BTJustice » Fri Dec 29, 2006 5:23 pm

I dont think that was it, looks in the wrong place.
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Postby AMcD » Fri Dec 29, 2006 5:29 pm

I could be wrang, but the description sounds right.

The La Scala picture house was where Waterstones is now, just across fae M&S and I can remember the sign being there long after the picture house closed.

I remember it being a bigger sign though and I must admit I cannae remember what it said on it exactly. It was made of wee reflective plastic discs though, attached on hooks and "fluttered" in the breeze.
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Postby BTJustice » Fri Dec 29, 2006 5:44 pm

I think it was further up the road and fixed onto the brown bricks of the Sauchiehall centre.
It was diagonally across from the C&A's.
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Postby My Kitten » Wed Aug 15, 2007 11:09 am

Old Lewis's photo, not sure of the date.

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Postby Delmont St Xavier » Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:57 pm

Aah memories!

Look at the man with the pick axe - do you think the Health & Safety people would be after him these days?

Lewis's was great but my favourite was Arnotts. I remember when both stores used to try and outdo each other with their Christmas display.

It's hard to believe in this day and age, that Glasgow gets the reputation of being a great place to shop. You can see the same shop replicated in Malls or town centres across the UK. Ooo to have some of the auld yins back....
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Postby Dexter St. Clair » Wed Aug 15, 2007 9:22 pm

Delmont St Xavier wrote:Aah memories!

Look at the man with the pick axe - do you think the Health & Safety people would be after him these days?

Aye they'd be saying get a job with Stockline , you'll be much safer.

It's hard to believe in this day and age, that Glasgow gets the reputation of being a great place to shop. You can see the same shop replicated in Malls or town centres across the UK. Ooo to have some of the auld yins back....

Apart from Golf jerkins, Farah strides, Aertex underwear and Everlasting socks what is it you shop for?

Is there a John Lewis in every mall?

any one of these
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