Project Updates: St Peter's Seminary

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Postby My Kitten » Sat Jan 07, 2006 4:40 pm

tommytank wrote:
Apollo wrote:Incidentally, Google maps have hi-res pics of the area, if I'm not mistaken it can be seen clearly NNW of the golf course.

I may not be clued up on googlemaps, (as the reply to this will no doubt show) but why are there hi-res satellite images of this disused seminary, woods, and some small town called Cardross (in the worldly scheme of things) and lo res pics of glasgow town centre?

What did they want to see here??

I'd think it would be to do with its proximity to Coulport, faslane etc? Dunno just a guess.
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Postby Apollo » Sat Jan 07, 2006 10:37 pm

My Kitten wrote:I'd think it would be to do with its proximity to Coulport, faslane etc? Dunno just a guess.

Wouldn't that be more likely to be a reasonnot to see the area in hi-res, since the powers that be seem to be hell bent on using 'terrorism' as an excuse to strangle anything that can be construed as spying or a threat to security.

I'm fear't to stop or go slow near any of the MoD places nowadays, or even take a run over Glen Douglas thanks to the various cameras and computers I carry around with me if I go out for a bit of a tour. I did this adjacent to such places without worry as recently as 2002, but since then have become more wary.

God knows what would happen nowadays if the perimeter patrol I watched from behind some gorse at the edge of Machrihanish airfield back then spotted me.
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Postby ghiribizzo » Mon Jan 30, 2006 10:34 pm

The seminary in the news again, without a decision...
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Postby motman » Tue Jan 31, 2006 11:47 am

Hee hee Apollo
Not long after the Coulport base was finished and the oil pipeline had been installed (branched off from the Finnart-Grangemouth pipe at Whistlefield) I was watching the world going by at the back of the base where I was at the top of the hill (probably about a mile away) having walked down along the top from Garelochhead. My presence must have woken up someone as a jeep suddenly appeared from nowhere within the base and I saw lots of dots running about at the perimeter fence (I assume a gate was there onto the hill). I didn't hang around. They soon lost interest and buggered off.
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Postby Apollo » Tue Jan 31, 2006 3:15 pm

I think it must depend on what the current national situation is.

I friend was taking a break in the car park that overlooks Faslane, in a small works van. If you know the place, it gives a fine view of the Clyde over the base, and as far as I can see, there are no signs or restrictions visible.

He'd only been there for a few minutes when a car arrived full of military police, and his description was that they made it crystal clear that his precence there was not welcome.

Most odd, I've been there a few times, and there's been plenty of folk come and go, and most of the TV news reporters use the spot to shoot current news items, with the base in full view behind them.
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Postby spincycle » Tue Feb 14, 2006 11:32 pm

Hi There!

This is my first post here, so hello!

I was up at Cardoss on 4 Feb 2006, one week after the fence went up :( . So, my pictures were a bit limited, but here thay are anyway(click for bigger) :

Here's the wee house at the start of the path up to the seminary:


and here's some creepy graffiti on the bridge posts just before the seminary building:


The path to the seminary:


At that fence:


Taken through the fence:


and again:


If anyone wants I can post a few more of the collapsed levels at the back of the building an a couple of long(ish) shots taken from the top of the wee hill opposite the 'front' of the seminary.
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Postby spincycle » Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:34 pm

After receiving a few pvt messages, I realise that I should have been clearer in my last message: the fence has been repaired (on 28/1/06) with a new plaque/notice and padlock. It's on the frontpage of:

at the mo.
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Postby Pgcc93 » Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:54 pm

Cheers for the photo's and update spincycle. 8)

Nice gesture but too little too late IMO


Some fuckard has busted the alter good and proper, as if the place wasn't ass raped enough! :evil: Pricks

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Postby Apollo » Thu Feb 16, 2006 12:43 am

A depressing sight/site.

All the more so when you consider the likely response those that carried out the destruction would give if you gave them a productive job that required a similar amount of effort :(
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Postby Vladimir » Sun Feb 19, 2006 12:30 am

It must be past saving now, at least its not 'officially' getting torn down...
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Postby My Kitten » Fri Mar 10, 2006 1:08 pm

Mr Grigors dosh to get his new film going.

The Creative Scotland Awards, now in their sixth year, are the most high-profile of all of the Scottish Arts Council's funds for individual artists. The awards give winners the freedom and time to work without financial concerns for a year.. They also included a new film about Cardross Seminary,

Grigor, the film-maker, will use the prize money to create a new film about St Peter's Seminary in Cardross, a once-lauded modernist building which currently lies in ruins.
He made an award-winning documentary about life in the building 25 years ago, and will now match his original film, frame by frame, in black and white, so that it can be presented beside the original in colour, along with a live soundtrack.
He said his prize would "focus attention on this national scandal".
"It was a world-renowned building at the time and people should not forget that, it was a masterpiece. Hopefully this can be part of the road back to its re-use – it's main space would make a great auditorium or orchestra space," he said.
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Let it Die!

Postby jim » Fri Mar 10, 2006 6:43 pm


The journey to this quietly crumbling ‘retreat’ begins to take on all the trappings of a Holy Quest! By train to the small, Clydeside village of Cardross, then up to the local post office to ask directions. Various muddy tracks and a dangerous manoeuver between two golf courses brings me to a winding forest path. This is where I started to think, ‘where the fuck is this place?’
Perhaps at this point I should back track and attempt to explain why I am searching for a ruined catholic seminary in the first place?
This isn’t just any old seminary, this was a piece of state of the art modernist architecture. Everything about it screams ‘the sixties’. Dreadful pebbledash cladding, nasty white window frames. Its as if a bit of Cumbernauld retired to the country and quickly succumbed to cancer. Or perhaps this is the place old shopping centres come to die? Either way this place is redolent
with symbolism. Is this where modernism breathed its last? How could I not come?
The path veers sharply to the left and there it is. A brutally linear shape nestling close amongst some tree’s, only relieved by those odd rounded protruberances grouped to one side. It is very beautiful. Like a JG Ballard scenario brought to life.
I climbed the recently erected fence and made my way into the dripping wet interior. The place had been trashed. Well and truly. The roof gaped at the sky as I made my way up a curving ramp leading to the main hall. This was incredible. A huge concrete slab sat at the top of a wide set of steps. I imagined a cabal of new-brutalist architects and catholic priests gathering here to sacrifice beautiful doe-eyed supplicants to some stygian deity.
But something peculiar was going on here. Why were Isi Metzstein and John Cowell of forward-looking architectural practice Gillespie, Kidd and Coia collaborating with the Vatican in the first place? Recent research has revealed that Jack Coia (founder of the firm in 1927), was a member of the secretive and authoritarian Catholic organisation Opus Dei. He designed many buildings for the Vatican , here in Scotland and elsewhere.
Yet Opus Dei were (are) slippery customers. There are certain indications that their reputation as the thought police of the Catholic church is just a clever ruse to disguise their real proclivities. As practitioners of the ancient craft of Alchemy and titular heads of the Order of the Golden and Rosy Cross! In other words Master Masons and dedicated Occultists! So the peculiar elision of the Vatican with New-Brutalism begins to make a certain kind of sense. Since the avowed intention of such organisations is the imposition of a world-wide New Order of Anarcho-Situationist priests dedicated to the overthrow of rational thought by any means necessary.
At the moment their plans are limited to semiotic terrorism and Ritual Magickal assaults on the foundations of our society. Yet already their plans are well underway, as can be seen in the work of their close associate, that High Priest of Kali, Goddess of Destruction, Osama Bin Laden.
I determined to find a way to psychically reconstitute the space. To reignite the qliphotic energies of all those furiously masturbating priests in their little floral cells at the top of the building (now decorated with Satanic graffitti by the locals). A recent encounter with a stoat in the process of killing a rabbit had reminded me that a blade of grass pressed between both thumbs and then blown on hard will reproduce the high-pitched screams of a dying rabbit.
I positioned myself in the centre of the vast refectory space, facing the altar. Naked and daubed with entoptic and occult symbols I filled the building with a banshee concerto! After around fifteen minutes the hairs on the back of my neck began to rise, and I knew that I was having some sort of effect. Fear being the first sign of the manifestation of the entities.
At this point I decided that I had done enough. This magnificent building was now safe from the depredations of developers, and others who might wish to resurrect it. Its slow disintegration would continue to mirror the dissolution of the dream of Progress and the perverted enlightenment ideals which have led us to this sorry pass. Yes, I too am a member of that shadowy affiliation of dreamers who wish to see the chains of rationalism loosed (just a little), so that, by means of sympathetic magick, we can rediscover the vast and unruly realms hidden within our skulls. By which subtle craft we will (in the end) dispossess the Capitalist Archons of all their worldy power!
a pair of stout boots, a stick, and away...
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Postby macca734 » Sat Mar 11, 2006 3:15 am

"Preserved for the nation"

Whats that supposed to mean. Dont preserve it for me. Put in a road and some shops and maybe some wee houses for pensioners.

The whole place is a 60's concept concrete cowp. Level it, let the RAF use it for bombing practice or do something useful with it.
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Postby tommytank » Sun Mar 12, 2006 4:02 pm

macca734 wrote:"Preserved for the nation"

Whats that supposed to mean. Dont preserve it for me. Put in a road and some shops and maybe some wee houses for pensioners.

The whole place is a 60's concept concrete cowp. Level it, let the RAF use it for bombing practice or do something useful with it.

Everyone's entitled to their opinions, but have you been? :?
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Postby JayKay » Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:20 am

world-wide New Order of Anarcho-Situationist priests dedicated to the overthrow of rational thought by any means necessary

If only!
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