They F*** you up

Moderators: John, Sharon, Fossil, Lucky Poet, crusty_bint, Jazza, dazza

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Postby Dexter St. Clair » Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:14 pm

our all encompasing source of forum joy!

When did I lose the title.

i want a rematch.
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Postby mrlipring » Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:33 pm

Sounds like someone's parents fucked them up, anyway...
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Postby crusty_bint » Sat Jul 02, 2005 3:47 pm

Can I just say: Paladin, its dull as dishwater doddering auld cants like YOU who ruin this place! I am so frikkin bored reading your inane comments, in fact i don't read them (anymore) but Im still just as tired of seeing your name appear on every thread! Talking rubbish!

You aren't funny, you aren't clever and you're certainly not an integral part of this forum. Would anyone miss you if you were gone? Perhaps one or two people, but only one or two people! You bore me, bore me so badly I could hunt you down, skin you alive and have someone that is interesting/funny/has a personality frikking wear you!

The urge to delete every last post you have ever made is so overwhelming that I find it more and more difficult to exercise restraint. I'm reading this and thinking who the fuck are you? What, of any substance, have you ever contributed to this forum? When are you going to get over yourself and realise your patter is PIASCH!!!

Theres no need to be so antagonistic, does this make you feel a bigger man when you are? There's no need for the superiority complex that you seem to have: being 50 years older than anyone else here does not make you a bigger or better person than anyone else, and your over-inflated "world view", opinion of yourself and your intellect leaves a a lot to be desired.

Go find somewhere/someone that's interested your drivvel.
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Postby paladin » Sat Jul 02, 2005 4:00 pm

crusty_bint wrote:Can I just say: Paladin, its dull as dishwater doddering auld cants like YOU who ruin this place! I am so frikkin bored reading your inane comments, in fact i don't read them (anymore) but Im still just as tired of seeing your name appear on every thread! Talking rubbish!

You aren't funny, you aren't clever and you're certainly not an integral part of this forum. Would anyone miss you if you were gone? Perhaps one or two people, but only one or two people! You bore me, bore me so badly I could hunt you down, skin you alive and have someone that is interesting/funny/has a personality frikking wear you!

The urge to delete every last post you have ever made is so overwhelming that I find it more and more difficult to exercise restraint. I'm reading this and thinking who the fuck are you? What, of any substance, have you ever contributed to this forum? When are you going to get over yourself and realise your patter is PIASCH!!!

Theres no need to be so antagonistic, does this make you feel a bigger man when you are? There's no need for the superiority complex that you seem to have: being 50 years older than anyone else here does not make you a bigger or better person than anyone else, and your over-inflated "world view", opinion of yourself and your intellect leaves a a lot to be desired.

Go find somewhere/someone that's interested your drivvel.

The need as you put it 'being antagonistic' is through the behaviour of the Moderators on this site acting like power-crazed junkies towards ordinary members.
I didn't join this site for you to give me my character either, as you know nothing about me, so the opinion you have is not an informed one.
As for restraint in deleting every post I ever made? Be my guest, as you are doing a sterling job so far between you.
There is no need 'to hunt me down' ? What bullshit is this??
Realise that the Moderators (including you) are just not up to the responsibility, as all they are doing is casting abuse at the members.
Hopefully, you won't read this post, probably where you go wriong as a don't read.
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Postby crusty_bint » Sat Jul 02, 2005 4:09 pm

Change the record eh? Same old pish in every post, over and over and over! I didn't join this site to have to deal with the likes of you! Theres plenty of forums out there that would welcoime you... go join one and leave us! You know nothing about me either, so don't go casting dispersions on my intellect to cover up the short-comings of your own!

And for the record, I have deleted 1 post of yours and then pm'd promptly afterwards telling you I had done and why. The senility is obviously reaching its latter stages with you. Oh, and dont for a minute kid yourself that us "power-crazed junkie moderators" are casting abuse at members: I'm simply reciprocating the abuse and drivvel you've been chucking out onto the forums!

And "you don't read" ...what the fuck is this? Have you been overdosing on Nickleodion? You don't have a clue about fuck all! Grow up ya daft auld bastard, and fuck off while you're at it!
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Postby paladin » Sat Jul 02, 2005 4:18 pm

crusty_bint wrote:Change the record eh? Same old pish in every post, over and over and over! I didn't join this site to have to deal with the likes of you! Theres plenty of forums out there that would welcoime you... go join one and leave us! You know nothing about me either, so don't go casting dispersions on my intellect to cover up the short-comings of your own!

And for the record, I have deleted 1 post of yours and then pm'd promptly afterwards telling you I had done and why. The senility is obviously reaching its latter stages with you. Oh, and dont for a minute kid yourself that us "power-crazed junkie moderators" are casting abuse at members: I'm simply reciprocating the abuse and drivvel you've been chucking out onto the forums!

And "you don't read" ...what the fuck is this? Have you been overdosing on Nickleodion? You don't have a clue about fuck all! Grow up ya daft auld bastard, and fuck off while you're at it!

Reciprocating the abuse I've given out? Where?

I have not said a wrong word to anyone on here...........except Doc Lightning got a bit upset once, but that wasn't because of me, it was because the Moderators had deleted a thread of his that he thought was similar to mine.

So Wtf are you on about Crusty_Bint/The Flaming Aubergine?

Take the last line of your post and apply it to yourself. :roll:
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Postby crusty_bint » Sat Jul 02, 2005 4:23 pm

I really am gettin bored with you. If you don't like it here, why not just go? Simple as that, go, leave, don't come back? Are you by any chance George in disguise? In fact, don't answer that: don't post again! You are not welcome here.
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Postby paladin » Sat Jul 02, 2005 4:25 pm

crusty_bint wrote:I really am gettin bored with you. If you don't like it here, why not just go? Simple as that, go, leave, don't come back? Are you by any chance George in disguise? In fact, don't answer that: don't post again! You are not welcome here.

Don't I fit in the cosy clique then Crusty_Bint/The Flaming Aubergine?
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Postby crusty_bint » Sat Jul 02, 2005 4:26 pm

No. Shuffle on now.
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Postby paladin » Sat Jul 02, 2005 4:31 pm

crusty_bint wrote:No. Shuffle on now.

Take care Crusty_Bint/The Flaming Aubergine, cliques don't last forever.
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Postby crusty_bint » Sat Jul 02, 2005 4:31 pm

There is no clique... I just dont like you! Shuffle now, shuffle...
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Postby paladin » Sat Jul 02, 2005 4:34 pm

crusty_bint wrote:There is no clique... I just dont like you! Shuffle now, shuffle...

Cure that stutter, it's getting as bad as your moderating. :roll:
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Postby crusty_bint » Sat Jul 02, 2005 4:35 pm

Shuffle on there now... bus passes don't get you nowhere here!
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Postby mrlipring » Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:27 pm

can you two not have your own fucking thread to argue in?

It's beyond a joke.

A mod's job is to ensure the smooth running of a forum, and deal with any disciplinary action that's needed. All that's been happening is bitching at each other.

For a while, it was funny. Now it's just boring, and it's waaaay off topic. The kind of stuff a mod should be sorting out.

I'd hate to see how the mods here would deal with some of the wild places i've modded in years past. Paladin's an amateur at flaming. If you can't deal with him, you should hand your keys in.

crusty - why do you bother keeping this shite going? close the thread, delete the off-topic posts, warn paladin to keep personal issues like this to private messages or a single thread, but this kinda shite will eventually ruin the board, and put potentially good contributors off joining up, or staying.

Either way, if paladin doesn't like how this place is run, the net's a free place. I'm sure he could open up his own site, and run it how he sees fit. Perhaps he should complain to sharon if he feels mistreated.
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Postby paladin » Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:37 pm

mrlipring wrote:can you two not have your own fucking thread to argue in?

It's beyond a joke.

A mod's job is to ensure the smooth running of a forum, and deal with any disciplinary action that's needed. All that's been happening is bitching at each other.

For a while, it was funny. Now it's just boring, and it's waaaay off topic. The kind of stuff a mod should be sorting out.

I'd hate to see how the mods here would deal with some of the wild places i've modded in years past. Paladin's an amateur at flaming. If you can't deal with him, you should hand your keys in.

crusty - why do you bother keeping this shite going? close the thread, delete the off-topic posts, warn paladin to keep personal issues like this to private messages or a single thread, but this kinda shite will eventually ruin the board, and put potentially good contributors off joining up, or staying.

Either way, if paladin doesn't like how this place is run, the net's a free place. I'm sure he could open up his own site, and run it how he sees fit. Perhaps he should complain to sharon if he feels mistreated.

Indeed I have complained/raised the issue with Sharon........Pending.
What is flaming?
Btw, the thread title is 'They F*** you up', which is what the Moderators do to anyone who gives them an issue that requires a reasonable explanation, which in my case is over the deletion of a number of posts that defies belief and as yet there seems to be no definitive reply.....other than they were 'off topic'. Meanwhile it seems that it has become open season for the Moderators to try and discredit me due to their lack of communication skills and diplomacy.
If it's boring, Mrlipring, don't read it, but then don't be suprised when you are the subject of the same treatment.
They delete anything that 'they' don't 'The Bestest Mod on HG' thread, which was a bit of fun.
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