Workplace Hates

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Workplace Hates

Postby The Doctor » Tue Jun 21, 2005 9:40 am

Not sure if this has ever been discussed before.

The woman sitting next to me is eating a huge [acket of onion flavoured crisps, and its stinking the whole office out.

Is there anything about your place of work (habits people have, things they say, etc) that really annoy you?
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Postby ronan » Tue Jun 21, 2005 10:45 am

Where to start!!?

Habits such as eating with your mouth open bug me, but I can live with it, but right now one of my colleagues is humming a made up tune, and she has a really high pitched hum, and it is driving me crazy

another is someone talking to the person next to you, and they sit on the edge of your desk, I mean, ffs!

Pretty sure if I was a women, today would be my time of the month
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Postby Apollo » Tue Jun 21, 2005 11:37 am


I take a pride in what I do, and organising myself and my environment so I can do it. Unfortunately, this makes me a target for the office goats, who will consume anything I'm stupid enough to let them near enough to get their their disorganised hands on:

Goat a pen?
Goat a pencil?
Goat a ruler?
Goat a stapler?
Goat any staples?
Goat a paper punch.
Goat any paper clips?
Goat an A4 pad?
Goat any A4 fur the copier?
Goat any post-its?
Goat any sticky tape?
Goat any floppies?
Goat a spare mouse?
Goat any markers for the white board?
Goat any teabags?

And the classic:

Goat a minute?

Aye, right, like you're just gonna want the one!
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Postby Vinny the Mackem » Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:23 pm

Apollo wrote:And the classic:

Goat a minute?

Aye, right, like you're just gonna want the one!

That's a bit like "Can I ask you a question" to which my stock reply is now "You just did". Which, in turn, usually generates "Can I ask you another question then?" which, again, gets a "You just did again". Usually by attempt number three, the poor bugger has cottoned on!
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Postby Fat Cat » Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:35 pm

denny o' youse no? Get asked that a lot

Where do you begin with workplace annoyances.

I too work with someone who munches on cheese and onion crisps and talks on the phone at the same time, then the phone is covered with crisps, yuk.

Also there are 4 of us in the office and the other 3 smoke. They are in and out of that toilet on a rotational basis. They must spend 2 hours a day each in the loo puffing.

And then there's the one who always looks busy, busy, busy when in fact she sitting doing college work.

And the one with the posh loud phone voice.

I could go on but I've a feeling they're going to cart me off soon!
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Postby HollowHorn » Tue Jun 21, 2005 4:34 pm

ronan wrote:Pretty sure if I was a women, today would be my time of the month

Thats Tuesdays for you, Mondays are so much nicer. 8)
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Postby yoker brian » Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:52 pm

Ok folks here's some of my workplace hates...

Twats who try to pass of your work as their own.

Twats who havent grasped basic personal hygiene

Twats who smoke - enough said.

Twats who transfer phone calls to you without telling you who it is

Twats who sing the same two lines of a song over and over

Twats who don't admit to their mistakes - but try to blame everyone else

Twats who arn't in the place long enough but try to tell you how to do your job.

Twats who go to office night outs, but sit and talk about work - shutthef*kup, eat your meal / get p*ssed and relax your not in the office - if you were gonna win that contract you would have, but you didn't because you bored the pants off the client.

Twats who cant string together a presentation - why use 40 slides when 6 will do.

Yup, I do work with a lot of twats.
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Postby turbozutek » Tue Jun 21, 2005 8:28 pm

Managers who couldn't manage to f--k in a wh0rehouse.


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Postby Captain Brittles » Tue Jun 21, 2005 9:23 pm

The stingy bastards who never seem to pass a shop in the morning and so NEVER have a paper - but always want to read yours.
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Postby The Doctor » Wed Jun 22, 2005 7:30 am

People who got out to the shop to buy coffee and don't ask anyone else if they want one.
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Postby Alycidon » Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:14 am

Pet hate is finding the kettle empty, how difficult is it to refill the kettle after you have poured your cup of tea/coffee and switch it on so that the next person only has to bring it back to the boil
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Postby kirkyguy » Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:28 am

Girls who walk past you with a folded newspaper under their arms going to the toilet.......

People who talk loud when someone of importance is about, to make out that they are organising the place and keeping everyone and thing under control.....

People who are in a job for no other reason than they have married a family member.......

Management who complain about the amount of hours they do, when infact they would rather be doing it cause they have no life......

People who constantly ask you "are you busy" look fuck off i just do the same amount of work everyday no more no less.......

People who ask you something so they can tell you something about themselves .......
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Postby ladylabobo » Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:38 pm

I have a million and one pet hates about work but as they threatened to discipline me for posting about my day at work on another website, I cant mention them.

I also just wanted to warn you that anything you say about your employers online can get you disciplined - whether its something good or something bad. They can use anything you say against you. You dont have to be easily idenifiable but having a username totally different from your real name doesnt protect you from this either. You dont even have to name your place of work or the company. Even posting on a private members only site can be considered for a disciplinary. If one person reads your post (other than yourself) it is classed as having been officially published and is therefore in the public spectrum.

Sorry to bring a downer on the thread but I just dont want anyone getting done like i did.

One pet hate from a previous job (that again i cant really talk about for legal reasons) was B.O. There was this guy who I'm sure had never heard of soap or deodorant... he would make me wheeze he stank so much.

When in an office filled with PC's, people really should consider their personal hygene.
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Postby Fat Cat » Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:58 pm

ladylabobo wrote:I have a million and one pet hates about work but as they threatened to discipline me for posting about my day at work on another website, I cant mention them.

I also just wanted to warn you that anything you say about your employers online can get you disciplined - whether its something good or something bad. They can use anything you say against you. You dont have to be easily idenifiable but having a username totally different from your real name doesnt protect you from this either. You dont even have to name your place of work or the company. Even posting on a private members only site can be considered for a disciplinary. If one person reads your post (other than yourself) it is classed as having been officially published and is therefore in the public spectrum.

Sorry to bring a downer on the thread but I just dont want anyone getting done like i did.

One pet hate from a previous job (that again i cant really talk about for legal reasons) was B.O. There was this guy who I'm sure had never heard of soap or deodorant... he would make me wheeze he stank so much.

When in an office filled with PC's, people really should consider their personal hygene.

God, you're a cheerful wee soul.

Get back to work!! You're being monitored.
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Postby mrlipring » Wed Jun 22, 2005 5:02 pm

ladylabobo wrote:I have a million and one pet hates about work but as they threatened to discipline me for posting about my day at work on another website, I cant mention them.

I also just wanted to warn you that anything you say about your employers online can get you disciplined - whether its something good or something bad. They can use anything you say against you. You dont have to be easily idenifiable but having a username totally different from your real name doesnt protect you from this either. You dont even have to name your place of work or the company. Even posting on a private members only site can be considered for a disciplinary. If one person reads your post (other than yourself) it is classed as having been officially published and is therefore in the public spectrum.

Sorry to bring a downer on the thread but I just dont want anyone getting done like i did.

One pet hate from a previous job (that again i cant really talk about for legal reasons) was B.O. There was this guy who I'm sure had never heard of soap or deodorant... he would make me wheeze he stank so much.

When in an office filled with PC's, people really should consider their personal hygene.

exactly why you should never let anyone at work know your online alias, and you should be very careful what you do online at work.

A friend of my girlfriend's got fired the other week. She was crap at her job, but accidentally printing off ALL her emails (including the emails she'd been sending to pals about how much she fancied her boss) kinda sealed the deal. She is, apparently, retarded.

Anyway, here's my pet hates...

Supervisors/superiors who take the piss. A place i used to work, one supervisor in particular used to do NO work if there was a celtic match on. She'd be in the kitchen watching tv. Sure, i used to join her, but of COURSE i'm gonna skive. I didn't care about the job, and i'm a natural skiver. Other people she didn't like didn't get to skive though, so that's a bit unfair. All the supervisors had their favoured ones, mind... two girls used to get to go home early all the time, just because they drove that supervisor to asda, to do her shopping, DURING THEIR SHIFTS. That's taking the piss. I'll admit i used to get paid to jobbie all the time, but supervisors should be setting examples. :)

Bosses who think they always have to be pricks all the time, to command respect. Perhaps they're just pricks... I respect the ones who have a laugh and talk to you like you're a real person way more, and i'd go above and beyond for them.

Wannabe bosses/supervisors. Sucking up the boss' arse, talking down to people at the same level as them, little backstabbing shits the lot of them. No integrity, nobody respects them, and they'll end up getting the position because of their brown-nosing.

Hitler bosses. I do contact centre nonsense. there are people who'll drag paperwork out for 15 minutes at the end of their shift, just to make sure they get out on time. if i get stuck on a call at 5 o'clock, i'll sit there and finish it, often leaving me stuck there until 20 past or whatever. Why, then, do i get shit for being 5 minutes late in the morning, due to traffic/public transport? they don't pay me for sticking arounf 20 minutes late. Often, the phones are dead at 8am. Grrr...

People who smoke, and take the piss. I don't mind people who smoke taking breaks. As i said, i often take jobbie breaks. I don't take a 5-minute jobbie break every hour though. The supervisors all smoke anyway, so they're off having a fag too. :roll:

Vending machines that keep your stuff. I want a lion bar. Apart from the fact that the machine was owned by the company, and they're charging 40p for a lion bar (clawing back as much of our wages as they can...), the bloody thing is from the 70s by the look of it, and the sweeties get stuck in it. Cue me rattling the thing off walls to dislodge my chocolate...

One company i worked for had people whose job it was to help you if you get any crazy queries you don't know how to handle. They've see it all. They can help. Except they can't. They don't know, and you have to keep the customer on hold for aaaaages while they ask everyone.

Customers being pricks. Don't get me wrong. I've been on the phone to NTL for, in total, 90 minutes today. They were courteous, if dim. I wanted to shout. I was forceful. I got my own way, but it was through being obstinate, not a mouthy abusive prick. Call centre monkeys like me aren't paid to take shit, we're paid to help people. It pisses me off that my internet's flakey, but it's not Shweta in India's fault. Taking call centres away from Glasgow and putting them in India, however...

Shitty hardware. Broken mice. Wonky spacebars. A keyboard's a fiver. Good ones cost more, but call centres tend to buy the cheapest crap, and offset it with crappy gel wrist rests. Broken chairs too. The backs won't adjust, or the up/down bit's broken.

Idiot IT guys. EVERY machine's set to 800x600 and changing it gets you a slap on the wrist. "not your job, blah blah. You don't know what you're doing, blah blah. could cost lost to fix it, blah blah.." Don't get me wrong, i love it when an icon takes up a quarter of the screen, and i LOVE hearing the squeal of a monitor at 60hz and the headaches that it brings... One place i worked deals with payments over the phone, credit cards, and other confidential customer data. They also had unrestricted internet access, fuckloads of spyware, and supervisors/it men that didn't care. there should be laws about that...

Idiot co-workers. "you should've seen me last weekend, i was pished!". *yawn*. I've been more drunk than you can ever imagine. It's not interesting. It's pretty pathetic if the only thing you can think of to talk about is how much you can't remember about friday...

People on wednesday being excited about the weekend. Kinda related to the last post. Why are they excited? Doing something different? Nope, getting drunk and pulling a fat slapper at "the sav". Joy!

Sod it, i just hate working with people. Pity, then, that i'm good at customer service. The happiest i've been was working on film stuff, but it was unpaid, or one of the two nightshift jobs where i was practically left to my own devices, with at most two other people, but that was in a massive warehouse, and we rarely had time to spend blethering. I'm sure if i had, i'd have hated them...
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