Workplace Hates

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Re: Workplace Hates

Postby The Creeping Spleen » Fri May 19, 2023 3:23 pm

Myself likewise, Dot. I've a wee secret stash of sweeties and whatnot at work. Just in case of emergencies. ;)

My late mum made this fantastic homemade fruit loaf. Sweet but not too sweet, if you get my meaning. Just the thing with a wee splodge of strawberry jam.

It was an old secret family recipe, handed down from mother to daughter through the years.
But for reasons best known to herself, mum wouldn't pass on the recipe to my sister-in-law, and the secret of it died with her.
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Re: Workplace Hates

Postby Dot » Fri May 19, 2023 6:48 pm


That sounds just the ticket. I think I am one of a small minority amongst family and friends who love fruit cake, fruit loaves etc.
I have always enjoyed Christmas cake. It seems like the fashion at weddings nowadays is to have other types of cake like lemon drizzle, red velvet, chocolate and the like but for me you can't beat an iced wedding cake with the marzipan.

Don't get me wrong I would happily eat those other types of cake but not for Christmas.
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Re: Workplace Hates

Postby Henrysix » Fri May 19, 2023 8:34 pm

There is a new bakery expanding the UK called Butterwicks, now they are not cheap but they make great cake/buns/doughnuts etc are well sized, many varieties and they knock them out cheap at the end of the day, they are likely to go National soon!
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Re: Workplace Hates

Postby The Creeping Spleen » Sat May 20, 2023 8:35 am

The only bad thing about mum's fruit loaf, was it gave you terrible wind if you ate too much.

Honestly, you'd be parping away like a thrash metal brass band. :D
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Re: Workplace Hates

Postby Dot » Sat May 20, 2023 9:35 pm


I expect at least that dried fruit would count as part of your five a day ::):
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Re: Workplace Hates

Postby The Creeping Spleen » Fri May 26, 2023 6:27 pm

Ok, I'm running short on rubber bands again, and rather than have those swines off nightshift nick them again I've come up with a cunning plan.

I'm gonna put my full packet of good bands in my locker, and leave a decoy bag of shitty ones on my desk. *twirls imaginary panto villain moustache, and cackles madly* :D

And in other work related news, we've gone back to that damned Wolverhampton social work stuff.

According to my notes, we started it back in February.

February! And there's still five or six pallets of the stuff sitting in the warehouse!
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Re: Workplace Hates

Postby Dot » Fri May 26, 2023 9:42 pm

Talking of bands the ones I ordered and use in work are starting to run low so will probably order another supply from Amazon.

We use those stick on address labels at work sometimes and whoever does stationery ordered some dud ones which are far too big so we have to trim them to fit which is a bit of a pain. I might try and source some more suitable ones.
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Re: Workplace Hates

Postby The Creeping Spleen » Wed May 31, 2023 4:45 pm

Monday was my worst day at work so far. It's a good thing I take my blood pressure meds every morning.

Got a box of 70 odd files, had to hunt around for the barcode sheets that belonged to it.
Opened it up and the files were out of order (they should come to us in the same order as the barcode sheets). So between me coming back off my lunchbreak at 12:20, and three o'clock when I actually started with file number 1, I was just matching up the barcodes to the files.

I swear, by four o'clock hometime, I was ready to wallop the first person that looked at me funny.
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Re: Workplace Hates

Postby Dot » Thu Jun 01, 2023 6:33 pm


That does sound stressful alright.
Hopefully the rest of your week will be a bit calmer.

Glad to say I was off work on Monday for the bank holiday.
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Re: Workplace Hates

Postby Henrysix » Thu Jun 01, 2023 6:53 pm

I have been off work on extended annual leave since May 1st back on Monday no doubt to a deluge of emails!
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Re: Workplace Hates

Postby The Creeping Spleen » Fri Jun 02, 2023 7:04 pm

Dot wrote:Spleen,

That does sound stressful alright.
Hopefully the rest of your week will be a bit calmer.

Six of one, half a dozen of the other I'm afraid.

There's times I'm having to go through each file with a fine tooth comb, hunting for the person's name, because whoever it is n our side of things that's making up the barcode sheets CAN'T BLOODY SPELL!

I mean, you expect the odd typo here and there. I'm occasionally guilty of transposing numbers and letters when I'm writing things down - my mild dyslexia and terrible handwriting are to blame for that.

There are such things as variant spellings for some names, yes. I'm well aware of that. But never - in my almost 53 years on the planet - have I ever seen the name Alfred spelled as Alphred, with a PH rather than an F.
And as expected, it was a typo.

Glad to say I was off work on Monday for the bank holiday.

I hope you enjoyed yourself. :)
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Re: Workplace Hates

Postby Dot » Tue Jun 13, 2023 7:24 pm

The heat in work has been hard to take.
On the one hand we are told not to open windows as there is air con but as this doesn't seem to work then windows do get opened.

I have even had the fan on my desk on and off during the day.
I am almost hoping there is rain soon as it has been clammy and expect gardens could do with some water.
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Re: Workplace Hates

Postby The Creeping Spleen » Wed Jun 14, 2023 7:44 pm

We have a new wrinkle in the Case of the Thieving Nightshift Bastards.

Marty, my team lead, has had stuff go missing from his desk. He's not a happy chap about it as you can imagine.
For the time being, he's keeping it under his hat. He's only told me and the guys on his team.

But next time, if there is a next time, he's gonna go right to the big boss and ask to see the CCTV recordings.

In other work related news, we're still on the Wolverhampton stuff, but it's Young Offenders paperwork rather than Social Work.
Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
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Re: Workplace Hates

Postby Dot » Thu Jun 15, 2023 10:07 pm

We have a metal set of drawers at our desks so we can lock away anything from coffee, tea etc to other personal belongings.

That's not good if someone is nicking stuff again in your workplace and hope this is something that gets nipped in the bud.
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Re: Workplace Hates

Postby Henrysix » Fri Jun 16, 2023 10:03 am

To be fair I’m not too precious about what I leave out on my desk, my work provides tea, coffee & milk and we have some people in our team and workforce who don’t have these at home (seriously), some are students BUT I have seen them with their Starbucks or Pret lattes.

If they need to use my stapler, pencils, rubber bands I can’t really get animated about it, in my sixties now I work with much younger people and common skills such as please and thank yous DONT come as often as from older staff, that’s just the way it is, it sounds like Dot & Spleen get grumpy about this, I just let that blow over me, BUT you are right, it’s just society!
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