St Andrew's Square

Moderators: John, Sharon, Fossil, Lucky Poet, crusty_bint, Jazza, dazza

Re: St Andrew's Square

Postby Lawman » Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:47 am

My 2p worth of St Andrew's square, more like 1p as most of it has been brushed upon...

Only the facades of the Tannery building and Naismith building (directly opposite the Tannery) remain as original. The rest is entirely newbuild circa 1994-1996 with the Tannery being the first to be completed.

This is only information gathered by myself, I used to look after the lifts in this development. The Tannery is the oldest, a completely different generation to the rest, but still modern in comparison to the facade. The Naismith building and all bar 2 of the blocks running anti-clockwise from the Tannery points to the Naismith building rebuild starting at the same time as the anti-clockwise rebuild of the square. I figure this as the last two blocks leading anti-clockwise to the Naismith Building are identical in construction, but are fitted out with cheaper lifts. Hinting that the developer was a bit ambitious in quoting on the job, with it's modern take on the older style facade. This is a common and easy way to shave thousands off the final cost, especially in projects spanning several years where smaller details are left till nearer the time of construction.
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Re: St Andrew's Square

Postby robertpool » Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:55 pm

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