Hidden Glasgow - a fresh concept ?

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Postby Sharon » Fri Jan 07, 2005 10:45 am

A very neat summary Brian.

3 unique groups - all interelated. And all should be influencing and informing each other.
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Postby DMcNay » Fri Jan 07, 2005 10:48 am

I think we should do more to highlight areas of the city that are endangered. Maybe by featuring a building or a feature that is endangered every month on the website. Could detail the history of it, how it has become neglected, and what's being done (if anything) to save it.

Just a thought.
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Postby Closet Classicist » Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:10 am

Good diagram Brian

That does sum HG up. Think I'd have to go back to my earlier comment about the need for an umbrella organisation for Glasgow amenity societies and that diagram illustrates how HG fulfils this role very well. Just need to get the message out there. As E. M. Forster said 'Only Connect'
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Postby paladin » Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:20 am

Dr. Lightning wrote:I think we should do more to highlight areas of the city that are endangered. Maybe by featuring a building or a feature that is endangered every month on the website. Could detail the history of it, how it has become neglected, and what's being done (if anything) to save it.

Just a thought.

Echo this train of thought, although perhaps a quarterly feature would gather more momentum. With 'emergency' feature(s) being the contingency plan should they arise.
This way would probably galvanise those interested in a 'feature' to get together, form an action plan and take any agreed appropriate action as a group.
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Postby Pgcc93 » Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:29 am

Molendinar wrote:Sorry if this looks like something from a corporate powerpoint, but it summarises my personal view of the different strands of this "loose collective"


The visual graphic well describes the many facets that makes up Hidden Glasgow but I'm so not sure about Political Action inclusion?.

Although how politics can be avoided as the forums discuss contentious issues like the demoliton of listed buildings etc. needs further thought.
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Postby AMcD » Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:38 am

For me, a big part of is Hidden Glasgow is "cataloguing" the more interesting parts of the city. By that I mean, recording information on the place and taking photographs before current knowledge, or the history behind them is lost forever. The "When it's gone it's gone", "Signs", "Past and Present" threads on here are great examples of this.

There are so many times when you see a building or something in the street and wonder at it's former purpose or history. Conventional routes at finding this history can be difficult, but simply asking a question on these forums often results in a response from someone who knows. It’s the varied and widespread knowledge of Glasgow held by individuals on here, and their eye for an interesting subject that makes this place great.

Getting too politically involved in things may discredit the site a bit, perhaps it may be better to lobby through existing organisations, and remain on “friendly” terms with all parties wherever possible. It may even afford us access to the more interesting buildings in Glasgow if we market the site correctly.

Back to what I mentioned before, regarding the forums. They are a great place for starting discussion but they may not be the best place for documenting projects, it can be tricky to find similar projects and questions. At the moment turning them into project pages, like the main site, would mean a lot of work for Sharon. Are there any more collaborative ways of doing this? I’ve never used it, but does anyone have any experience of WIKIs? That could work.

It should remain fun, it’s a great place to meet people with similar interests and ideas, that you may not meet in conventional circles. Pfft… Who’d want to be conventional? :P
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Postby Sharon » Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:43 am

Alan, you are spot on with your thinking. I have been looking at WIKI as a solution to the maintenance problem, with Mediawiki looking like the most likely contender. Although, It would need to support permissions as I am not entirely sure whether throwing open edit privelages to all and sundry would be good. Will look into it further though, as it may already allow for this paranoid approach.[/url]
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Postby crusty_bint » Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:46 am

This word "formalise" has become a bit of a sticking point in my thoughts on this. I don't see this working for HG, we aren't at that stage yet, as Bruce says, it would be a very big shift. I see the HG's evolution to be more organic in nature, and think it would be detrimental if we were formalise relations with other bodies in such a way that any members of the ALC thought they could impose restrictions on the way the site operates, after all, it is about fun as well, we don't want them turning round and saying "if ye want tae hing aboot wi us, you'll need tae ditch yer auld pals".

Molendinar, your illustration sums HG up perfectly, its about the confluence of ideas between three distinct facets and to lean t heavily to one side may alienate others. So, we build on this. The "elders" seem to have the "official" approach covered, we have the luxury of having the freedom to experiment with more unorthodox ideas ...in that way we do :wink: Im not talking anything radical, just less stuffy.

What are your thoughts on contacting the New Glasgow Society, informally, and ask them if they would like to utilise Hidden Glasgow and its readership to disseminate info (such as quoted on my post on page 4) to their own members and the general public ...might this be a good way of testing for their reaction to us? Start from there?

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Postby crusty_bint » Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:57 am

AMcD wrote:For me, a big part of is Hidden Glasgow is "cataloguing" the more interesting parts of the city. By that I mean, recording information on the place and taking photographs before current knowledge, or the history behind them is lost forever.

Valid point Allan! Think of the amount of information these conservation bodies must have had pass through thier hands and filed away that could be adorning the pages of HG.
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Postby Molendinar » Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:07 pm

re: pgcc , I really just meant the planning and campaigning against demolition side of thigns - not a hidden Glasgow MSP...

but then who knows what the future holds? :)
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Postby Sharon » Sun Jan 16, 2005 8:51 pm

This discussion is still very much open, so for anyone who has any more ideas or comments to make, well, please do!
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Postby shuttle534 » Mon Jan 17, 2005 1:51 am

First off.
If it was to be a newspaper or published column that was sought my thoughts would quickly turn to “The Metro” or “The Sunday Post”.
The Metro, being a daily publication has to fill its pages every day. It would probably welcome having something else to consider for its pages, even if it was only printed/included in it once a week.
The Sunday Post has always had a close and strong connection with the Scottish people and their history. It also suffers from the same problems as a daily and therefore would most likely review and welcome fresh material to include in its pages weekly.

Further reading brought up the subject of membership fees.
I discovered this site quite accidentally, and have visited it almost daily since. If a membership fee had been asked of me at the time, I would probably not have hung around to long. Knowing what I know now about the site, I don’t think I would have a problem with paying a yearly fee witch would keep the site managed and up to date, as I know myself this takes time and effort which could be used elsewhere. I.e. The Pub. And some support is always nice.
Perhaps some sort of free term membership offer, but then you might have to deal with people reregistering under a different user name?

I have only dealt with politicians on one or two occasions but from what I can work out. Once you write them a letter and address it and sign it in ink, they are bound to give some sort of response. Although most of the letters I have had in return have been a generic printed letter it has been signed in person by the MP/MSP.
This has lead me to think that while a Petition shows support for a cause, it also allows whoever is reading it to slip it to the bottom of a pile or, WHOOPS, in the bin. Who cared in the end?
No one was expecting a response other than the person/group who handed it in. Therefore, only one or two response letters.
A far better way of making a voice or opinion heard is to write ones own generic letter and leave the address and signature line blank. Then get a copy to everyone who would be interested in filling it in. This way the politician now receives multiple letters which requires multiple response letters which in turn require multiple signatures.
Once you start to eat into someone’s personal time, or cause them to make an effort, then things get noticed. This is one way which does not involve people getting out their tents and pitching them in George Square.

On the subject of progression of the site, I was wondering if it would be helpful to allow people who have knowledge on certain subjects, e.g. Necropolis, Cathedral, Merchant City, Crimes, etc.
To have the opportunity to write up some sort of piece or work on their preferred subject and have it linked on the main page. This need not eat in to the web space of HG. Each person could start their own page on freewebs.com. Then people would have access to knowledge that they might not have thought to ask for.

Anyways, it’s just something to think about.
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Postby jim » Fri Jan 21, 2005 10:13 am

Could this be worth while?


Has someone mentioned it already?
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Postby paladin » Fri Jan 21, 2005 10:24 am

jim wrote:Could this be worth while?


Has someone mentioned it already?

I understand a Constitution/Aims & Objectives/Officers appointed to access funding of any sort. This would require actual physical meetings/voting etc.
Can be quite a commitment, but worth the time and trouble to get proper representation to the proper channels.
And if this were the road travelled and it fell to the wayside, just return any funds left to the funders or an appropriate named group with similar interests. At least then an attempt has been realised.
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Postby crusty_bint » Tue Jan 17, 2006 12:51 am

Finally found this thread! As per the Kelvin Hall thread, please have a read through what's been said here already and add your own comments. Hidden Glasgow will be changing soon, this is your chance to have your input into that :D
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