New to Glasgow

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New to Glasgow

Postby lus22 » Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:55 am

Hi folks-am fairly new to this Hidden Glasgow forum, and have only really so far been posting 'Glasgow Discussions' part of the not as computer savvy as I like to think I am.
This part here on Restaurants has only really caught my eye properly but just some of the few posts I've read have been interesting to read. I'm very into nutrition (in terms of good wholesome healthy food) and hopefully in the future will post a lot more. However at the moment I should be prepping for a job interview in the area of best get off here and go and work on it....
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Re: New to Glasgow

Postby floweredpig » Mon Sep 14, 2009 4:51 pm

So how much wine am i allowed to consume in one day? Nutritionally speaking.
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Re: New to Glasgow

Postby lus22 » Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:10 pm

Personally I don't drink-am totally teetotal much as somedays I'd like to hit a bottle-today being on of them as I try and prepare a presentation for a job interview.
For an honest an answer, I go by the "everything in moderation" idea...But on a serious note....for men no more than 21 alcohol units of wine in a week, women no more than 14....A small standard glass of wine has roughly counts as about 1 and half units.
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Re: New to Glasgow

Postby lus22 » Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:17 pm

lus22 wrote:Personally I don't drink-am totally teetotal much as somedays I'd like to hit a bottle-today being on of them as I try and prepare a presentation for a job interview.
For an honest an answer, I go by the "everything in moderation" idea...But on a serious note....for men no more than 21 alcohol units of wine in a week, women no more than 14....A small standard glass of wine has roughly counts as about 1 and half units.

Oh god...i already look like i've hit a bottle of wine....i meant "21 units of alcohol in a week....didn't mean to put the [of wine] doesn't make sense with that!

So to actually answer your question properly for men it equates to no more than four units in any one day, and for women no more than three units in any one day. In simpler terms... 2 and half-3 glasses wine for men...and the ladies 2 glasses.
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Re: New to Glasgow

Postby Josef » Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:34 pm

For those of us who don't don't buy Co-Op own brand (the only people I know that actually label alcohol with the number of units), a unit of alcohol = 10ml of pure alcohol.

i.e. a 500ml bottle of 5% beer = 25ml pure alcohol = 2.5 units. And so on.

The question's been asked before, but is there any sound evidential basis for the recommended limits?
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Re: New to Glasgow

Postby lus22 » Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:54 pm

Josef wrote:For those of us who don't don't buy Co-Op own brand (the only people I know that actually label alcohol with the number of units), a unit of alcohol = 10ml of pure alcohol.

i.e. a 500ml bottle of 5% beer = 25ml pure alcohol = 2.5 units. And so on.

The question's been asked before, but is there any sound evidential basis for the recommended limits?

I think there will be evidential basis for recommended limits in terms of the effects on health and how too much (and too much of anything really) can be detrimental to your health/health status.
My degree was a Masters in Public Health Nutrition and it was only a one year course - we touched upon alcohol but it wasn't a topic I researched right into depth, am more into the whole obesity debate in terms of nutrition and physical activity. I guess alcohol does fall into that somewhere but admittedly it's not something I have a whole lot of knowledge into, and as I don't drink then I guess it's not something I have an interest in if that makes any sense.
I hope someone can better answer your question though....other than that I tend to as I said before advice the everything in moderation adage.
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Re: New to Glasgow

Postby lus22 » Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:57 pm

I must add...that "everything in moderation" is not working for me tonight....I am scoffing my face through a tub of Belgian Chocolate Mini Meringues.....there was 16 in the tub and now there is less than a half! :oops:
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Re: New to Glasgow

Postby Sharon » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:01 pm

I think not. Though knowing how to measure the desired level of intoxication is no bad thing! For example tonight I judged 2 double gins to be the level required. I possibly think that fairly often! I also know that I'll often consume more than the paltry guidelines and also know my liver is functioning just fine. You get the occasional doctor muttering about government guidelines, everyones different, etc, but I generally assume they are there to basically say being an alchy isnt a useful thing, without actually saying it. Just like 5 a day says means dont just eat chips.

I'm only having 2 gins tonight cos Ive ran out of tonic :(

Now back to our nutritionist!!!!! whos already responded, but ill post anyway!
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Re: New to Glasgow

Postby Sharon » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:03 pm

luss, i think you will have exceeded your weekly allowance of 3 units of mini meringues!!!
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Re: New to Glasgow

Postby Josef » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:07 pm

Maybe mini meringues are like the '5 a day' thing. Where, say, one carrot counts as a '1 a day' but one hundred and forty seven carrots still only count as one. Never quite got my head round it....
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Re: New to Glasgow

Postby lus22 » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:18 pm

Sharon wrote:luss, i think you will have exceeded your weekly allowance of 3 units of mini meringues!!!

Tell me about it!!My reason/excuse for excessive consumption tonight is that I have an interview at the end of the week and am stressed in preparing a presentation for it....and on that note folks I am going to say good least for tonight and possibly until then end of the week-cos the more time am on this site the less time I am preparing.take care all.

PS I bloody hope there isn't a real unit measure of mini no calorie counterer....and don't even want to think about the number I consumed!
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Re: New to Glasgow

Postby floweredpig » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:24 pm

Good Luck with the interview Luss and thank you for the advice.I was looking more for the supposed health benefits of Wine,Beer etc rather than the well known damage it causes!
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Re: New to Glasgow

Postby Fossil » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:38 pm

Oily fish is nice.
I have a can a day for lunch.
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Re: New to Glasgow

Postby lus22 » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:50 pm

floweredpig wrote:Good Luck with the interview Luss and thank you for the advice.I was looking more for the supposed health benefits of Wine,Beer etc rather than the well known damage it causes!

Okay sorry never realised you meant it that way-and I actually forgot to point out that yes certain wines (reds) do have health benefits. Red wine is a rich source of antioxidants...I think in terms of research, its mostly in the way of red wine and how it protects against heart disease.Many studies investigating the benefits of red wine suggest that moderate amounts of red wine lowers the risk of heart attack for people in middle age by ~ 30 to 50%. It has also been suggested that alcohol such as red wine may prevent additional heart attacks if you have already suffered from one. Some studies have also indicated that red wine can raise HDL cholesterol (Good cholesterol) and prevent LDL cholesterol (Bad cholesterol) from forming.
I'm embarrassed now at the fact that a group of my class mates gave a presentation on the benefits of red wine...(and my lack of attention is now apparent)...and we concluded the idea of moderation. That's roughly what I can recall about red wine as that was one specific topic certain classmates looked at-i researched Benecol :? . I most definately have not seen/read any benfits associated with beer....apart from the 'beer google' affect is has on some folk at weekends when they over indulge??:).

Okay I am definately over and out now....i will be trying hard not to peep on to this forum again,night night
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Re: New to Glasgow

Postby Doorstop » Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:45 am

lus22 wrote:I most definately have not seen/read any benfits associated with beer....apart from the 'beer google' affect is has on some folk at weekends when they over indulge

Those bastards at Google have a finger in every pie. :wink:
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