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Re: Old Glasgow Hospitals

Postby Dugald » Wed Nov 21, 2007 10:17 pm

HollowHorn, in your very good 1968 pictures of Linthouse around the Southern General Hospital, I gather the first one is looking north while the second one is looking south... is this correct? Am I also correct in saying that neither of your pictures shows Moss Rd., and the main thoroughfare in each picture is Govan Rd.? I note too in your pictures, that the entrance to the hospital does not show the arched entrance as was visible in Ramor's.
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Re: Old Glasgow Hospitals

Postby Dugald » Wed Nov 21, 2007 10:34 pm

ramor69 wrote:Looking for some comfirmation, (or otherwise), on this as I think that VM has got
the location of where the following photograph looking towards Merryflats is wrong.

I'm not too sure about this picture here Ramor. I could guess that it was taken around Shieldhall Rd. looking north, I base this guess only on the four-in-a-block buildings which, if I recall correctly, were located on the north side of Langlands Rd. oppsite what used to be called 'Millers Farm". Moss Rd. ran on the north side of those blocks of houses to intersect Langlands Rd. a bit further west at the bus bundy. Hope this helps.
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Re: Old Glasgow Hospitals

Postby HollowHorn » Wed Nov 21, 2007 11:05 pm

Dugald wrote:HollowHorn, in your very good 1968 pictures of Linthouse around the Southern General Hospital, I gather the first one is looking north while the second one is looking south... is this correct? Am I also correct in saying that neither of your pictures shows Moss Rd., and the main thoroughfare in each picture is Govan Rd.? I note too in your pictures, that the entrance to the hospital does not show the arched entrance as was visible in Ramor's.

Nearly, Dugald, Moss Rd. is at the top of pic one. The arched entrance had of course been demolished by that date, you can see where it was located though.
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Re: Old Glasgow Hospitals

Postby Dugald » Thu Nov 22, 2007 12:12 am

Yes, thanks HH, I see that now. I had wondered about it at first then dropped the idea because of the shops shown at the corner of Moss Rd. and Govan Rd.... I don't recall shops being there at all.
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Re: Old Glasgow Hospitals

Postby shuffle » Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:47 pm

Noticed the new luxury flats built on the Canniesburn hospital site had there roofs blown off by the recent high winds :roll: ...
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Re: Old Glasgow Hospitals

Postby dave2 » Mon May 19, 2008 11:04 pm
Fire rages at derelict hospital

More than 30 firefighters have been called to tackle a "large scale" fire at a derelict hospital in East Dunbartonshire. The blaze at Lennox Castle Hospital in Lennoxtown occurred before 1800 BST on Monday and 13 appliances, including one high-reach unit, are at the scene.There are thought to be about 35 firefighters at the scene. Lennox Castle Hospital, which catered for people with learning disabilities, opened in 1936 and closed in 2002. Strathclyde Fire and Rescue said a fire investigation unit is currently at the burning building.
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Re: Old Glasgow Hospitals

Postby Kimberley R » Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:49 pm


I am in desperate need of some help. I am looking for a photograph for my mother and i think my chances of finding it are slim but it is worth a shot! My mum worked in St francis Maternity hospital in glasgow about 1978, someone took a photograph of her with their child (outside the hospital) and my mum would dearly love a copy of the photograph, as she did not become a full nurse afterwards and has no pictures of her when she was nursing. my mothers name is patricia and then it would have been lowe (not roan as it is now) and she would have only been about 18. My mum would be over the moon to get this picture so if anyone can help me i would be so so grateful. She cannot remember the exact time of year but thinks it was about summer time.Many thanks for taking the time to read this

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Re: Old Glasgow Hospitals

Postby Peekay » Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:56 am

The OP used to be a maternity according to WIKI. News to me!

There is also a pub in the centre of Giffnock called the "OP" or Orchard Park, part of the Orchard Park Hotel which was previously a maternity hospital in which some sources claim that present UK PM Gordon Brown was born.[2] Other sources indicate he was actually born in Govan.

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Re: Old Glasgow Hospitals

Postby leverngirl » Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:18 pm

what about the old Mearnskirk Hhospital? I was a patient there as a wee girl from 1948 till 1951 when a lot of it was a TB hospital. It was all set out in pavilions, (now housing) and we wore a "uniform" of white shorts and shirts. Parents were allowed to visit on a Sunday for an hour and siblings under a certain age not at all (I didn't see my sister for 3 years) . I was back there again in 1958 aged 13 and the uniform and parent rules were still pretty much the same. Our beds were pulled out on to the verandahs after lunch that we might have fresh air, and we had school in the forenoons. There was even a Mearnskirk song, most of which I can still remember!
Despite the somewhat draconian rules, I have no unhappy memories whatsoever of Mearnskirk. Would be interesting to hear of others' experiences.
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Re: Old Glasgow Hospitals

Postby EdBoyle » Mon Mar 16, 2009 3:47 pm

Can anyone decypher the name of the hospital on this birth certificate extract for William McKenzie? ... 01856.tiff

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Re: Old Glasgow Hospitals

Postby Its_a_gamp » Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:35 pm

Probably the Glasgow "Lying in" Hospital, Later to become The Royal Maternity Hospital (Glasgow Royal Infirmary now at Rottenrow).

The term "Lying in" was used for all women who had had a baby, as you were not allowed to get out of bed until all bleeding had stopped. This could be upto a couple of weeks. Nowerdays with modern medicines this no longer happens.
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Re: Old Glasgow Hospitals

Postby Its_a_gamp » Mon Mar 16, 2009 6:06 pm

Edit to last post - Should have read Royal Maternity that was at Rottenrow. I know this building was pulled down about 7 years ago.
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Postby emzgeebaby » Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:47 am

mr moto wrote:i was born in the wonderfully named rottenrow maternity hospital :) it sound,s like something from a dickens novel .

my mum was also born in this hospital, when she told me the name of the hospital i thought she was joking!

wee bit about it.......

"The origin of the street's name is subject to debate. Some believe that it is derived from the Gaelic phrase Rat-an-righ, which translates as "Road Of The Kings" - presumably in relation to its close proximity to Glasgow Cathedral. However "Rotten Row" is a common street name in towns and villages throughout England and Scotland. It describes a place where there was once a row of tumbledown cottages infested with rats (raton) and goes back to the 14th century or earlier."

also this was the hospital moors murderer ian brady was born.
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Re: Old Glasgow Hospitals

Postby emzgeebaby » Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:24 am

i was surprized to see there was a hospital on sheildhall govan and also in bellahouston were the sports centre now is. does anybody know what date they were demolished?

also i read some were that the southern general hospital was origionaly built as an asylum but later used as a hospital, found this quite interesting. :D
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Re: Old Glasgow Hospitals

Postby leverngirl » Sun Jul 19, 2009 11:00 pm

leverngirl wrote:what about the old Mearnskirk Hhospital? I was a patient there as a wee girl from 1948 till 1951 when a lot of it was a TB hospital. It was all set out in pavilions, (now housing) and we wore a "uniform" of white shorts and shirts. Parents were allowed to visit on a Sunday for an hour and siblings under a certain age not at all (I didn't see my sister for 3 years) . I was back there again in 1958 aged 13 and the uniform and parent rules were still pretty much the same. Our beds were pulled out on to the verandahs after lunch that we might have fresh air, and we had school in the forenoons. There was even a Mearnskirk song, most of which I can still remember!
Despite the somewhat draconian rules, I have no unhappy memories whatsoever of Mearnskirk. Would be interesting to hear of others' experiences.

no responses to this February posting, am I the only Mearnskirk survivor ?!
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