A Seasonal Reminder

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A Seasonal Reminder

Postby thecatsmother » Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:21 pm

Keep your eyes on your belongings at all times while out in the Christmas shopping crowds. I was robbed in Central Station today, while carrying much more cash than I normally have access to (I'm in the middle of a house move as well as Christmas shopping). The police, while very pleasant and helpful, hold out NO hope of anyone being caught or recovering my belongings. A moment's inattention has cost me £375, and a few weeks of extreme hassle trying to get replacement credit/debit cards to the right address and no access to money for the duration. Merry Christmas.

Oh, and perhaps one of our councillors can tell me what happens if your library books (which were on their way back to GOMA with me) get stolen? My library card is also gone.
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Re: A Seasonal Reminder

Postby My Kitten » Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:30 pm

sorry to hear of that, although i have caught myself a couple of times being too busy trying to carry bags instead of putting purse in bag.. its so easily done unfortunately.

Its a bugger at the best of times never mind now and with your move too... *hugs*
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Re: A Seasonal Reminder

Postby Alex Glass » Sat Nov 24, 2007 7:24 pm

Very sorry to hear about what happened.

It is always hard having your property stolen but at this time of year it is 10 times harder.

On the library books.

As you will be able to obtain an incident number from the police I would expect everything to be resolved ok. I wouldn't anticipate any charge. They should also be able to issue a new library card to you. If you do get any hassle please either contact your local councillor or if you would prefer pm me.

Once again, I am very sorry to hear about your misfortune.
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Re: A Seasonal Reminder

Postby thecatsmother » Sat Nov 24, 2007 7:58 pm

Thanks both. Alex, I forgot about the library books until after I was home, so they're not mentioned on the incident report, although I do have an incident number. I won't need a new card as I'm moving to Nottinghamshire. I was more thinking about someone taking out lots of books in my name and not returning them ;). I imagine they can put some kind of stop on the card, though.

What a lovely farewell to Glasgow, eh? I just have to keep remembering I've lived here for 12 years and never had anything like this happen before.
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Re: A Seasonal Reminder

Postby Alex Glass » Sat Nov 24, 2007 8:12 pm

They should be able to put a stop on the card being used.

It may be wise to give the police a call to tell them about the library books. If you do get any hassle at the library let me know.
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Re: A Seasonal Reminder

Postby Blueboy » Sun Nov 25, 2007 12:58 am

Sorry to hear bout that, cats.
I got robbed in Metropolitan on Friday night.
£3 a pint...
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Re: A Seasonal Reminder

Postby thecatsmother » Sun Nov 25, 2007 3:53 pm

Got the books added to the report. I'll let you know if I have problems at the library when I report it. Thanks for your advice, Alex.
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Re: A Seasonal Reminder

Postby HollowHorn » Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:52 pm

Sorry to hear that, hon, hopefully the bastard that stole it will overdose on his purchase.
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Re: A Seasonal Reminder

Postby Speedbird » Tue Nov 27, 2007 6:25 pm

Sorry to hear that.

Always felt reasonably safe in Glasgow Central too.

I've only to get my Mum's pressie, as I tend to buy things as I see them throughout the year. Saves running about like a loonie at the last minuite and then spending a fortune on some ill thought out present.
I used to do that, don't get me wrong, but it just wasn't worth the hassle and panic involved.

And then, if you unexpectedly need a present for someone else, then it's much easier to do as you'll always have at least something kicking about.

One time, I was even sad enough to buy things for next year in the boxing day sales 8O :oops: :oops:
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Re: A Seasonal Reminder

Postby bluepeterno1 » Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:41 pm

Hope the dirty scumbag gets his some day.
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Re: A Seasonal Reminder

Postby Doorstop » Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:35 pm

Being a member of this fair city and also a member of the same fair cities security staff I can only say "trust no cunt" .. best friends are only to be trusted as far as they can perform intregal calculus whilst under the influence of a few doubles.

Suffice to say .. not far.

This festive season only take what you need for a night out .. leave credit cards, excess cash, store cards, driving licences ect at home .. only take your expected drinks money, taxi fare home, ONE credit card - and have all the details readily at hand to pass on should you need to cancel owt.

It may seem a tad anal, but check your wallet/handbag every ten or twenty minutes to make sure things are in the same state they were in twenty minutes ago.

This is the voice of experience speaking.

The End.
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Re: A Seasonal Reminder

Postby StevenJ » Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:41 pm

go back to glasgow central and approach a Network Rail employee.

I have found the staff there very helpful - explain to them what has happened, and at what time, and exacty where you were stood - and ask if there is any CCTV that can be made available to the BTPolice.

While I am sure you won't see yout cash again - if the scumbags were caught and put to justice - then at least there could be some sort of closure....................
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Re: A Seasonal Reminder

Postby thecatsmother » Fri Nov 30, 2007 6:12 pm

It happened inside Costas, the only place in the station there is no CCTV. It's become a hotspot for robbery as a result. The scumbags know.

And the library wanted to charge me for the books, and a replacement ticket. I'm no needing a new ticket as I'm leaving Glasgow anyway. I'm told the charge will catch up with me if I return to Glasgow (*pictures a SWAT team on the M74).
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Re: A Seasonal Reminder

Postby Blueboy » Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:08 am

Some poor kid from my work got mugged for a few quid under the bridge on Argyle street on their way to Jury's Inn last week. As Sgt. Phil in Hill Street Blues used tae say "Let's be careful out there"...
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Re: A Seasonal Reminder

Postby Josef » Sat Dec 01, 2007 8:46 am

Blueboy wrote:Some poor kid from my work got mugged for a few quid under the bridge on Argyle street on their way to Jury's Inn last week. As Sgt. Phil in Hill Street Blues used tae say "Let's be careful out there"...

Aye, careful which Sergeant you pick from that programme - as I remember, his predecessor used to say 'Let's do it to them before they do it to us'.

As a puny attempt at balance, can I say that in all my years in Glasgow, despite often being unaccompanied and not dragging baggage/jacket etc to the bar/loo/outside (post-smoking ban) with me, I have never once had anything nicked (with the exception of a cassette tape nicked by a bunch of deaf folk on the 240 bus 8O ).

Course, there's seldom anything worth nicking, but they're not to know that.
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