Glasgow’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

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Re: Glasgow’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Postby AlanM » Tue Oct 23, 2007 1:32 pm

First time I saw Gun live was at the Mayfair in 1989 - It was the same night as their debut single, "Better Days", entered the top 40 so they were on a bit of a high (whether it was chemically assisted I couldn't possibly say).

Saw them several times in the following years both headlining and supporting much larger acts including Def Leppard and the Rolling Stones
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Re: Glasgow’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Postby Pgcc93 » Tue Oct 23, 2007 2:41 pm

AlanM wrote:First time I saw Gun live was at the Mayfair in 1989

I was at that gig too I remember seeing members of Goodbye Mr Mckenzie, another good Scottish band in the audience notably 'Big' John Duncan the fat lead guitarist although you couldnae miss him ::):
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Re: Glasgow’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Postby My Kitten » Tue Oct 23, 2007 3:06 pm

Second best ever gig ive been to was my first, Aztec Camera at Pavillion, 1983.

Kevin McDermott Orchestra were good


and Love and Money


Blue Nile, Linn were so impressed with them, they set up their own record label. (hmm nothing at all to do with showing off your products with some atmospheric music) Saw Paul Buchanan last year at Fruitmarket doing an impromptu song with Chris Botti. His voice makes your skin crawl - in a nice way of course! Heres a link to them at another gig

I did used to know lots of information on bands of that time but they have now been replaced by knowledge of shoes :(
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Re: Glasgow’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Postby Schiehallion » Tue Oct 23, 2007 6:48 pm

On the subject of Glasgow music, the 15th Celtic Connections Festival has been launched today. Get your Steve Earle tickets before they sell out!! I got mine! :D :D :D

For anyone who's never been I can highly recommend the Transatlantic Sessions on the final Sunday night with Aly Bain, Phil Cunningham, Eddi Reader and a whole whack more. Tremendous musicianship, variety and one of the best concerts of the year in this city.
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Elliot Davis

Postby Cyclo2000 » Wed Oct 24, 2007 9:24 am

Elliot used to manage a boy called Baz Boom! who he was grooming for stardom. At least that's what he told me he was grooming him for. We had a band called Green isaac on our roster (roster! ha! it was them and the Loveless and that was it!) and they and Baz duked it out over a publishing deal. Don't think either of them got signed in the end.

Elliot lived up stairs from a pal of mine in Spears Wharf. When he had the fire he ruined me mates flat as well.
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Re: Glasgow’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Postby Fossil » Sat Oct 27, 2007 12:27 am

Keep on topic folks
thread clean up this weekend
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Re: Glasgow’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Postby Fossil » Sat Oct 27, 2007 11:12 am

Pub and Clubs are in this thread:
I will try later to merge the posts that are off topic into it.
Try and use the search function first.

Read the first post of this thread to stay on topic

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Re: Glasgow’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Postby Fossil » Sun Oct 28, 2007 1:00 pm

Topic Cleaned.
Sorry folks but all off topic post have been deleted, which I hated doing. Please do a search first before adding to the wrong thread.

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Alex Campbell

Postby onyirtodd » Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:40 pm


It's difficult to say anything about Alex that hasn't already been said, better by others

My own first awareness of Alex was as a teenager in the 31st Glasgow Scouts hearing tales of his exploits across Europe where he was held up a 'what will happen if you don't stick in at school' character yet, when he found himself in jail in Paris we scouts contributed to paying his bail (or his fine, I don't recall which).

I only heard Alex sing live once, towards the end of career and his life, at the Edinburgh Folk Club. By this time he was a shadow of his former self, a combination of years of drink and the ravages of throat cancer having taken a cruel toll on a man who was previously a physical and musical giant.

Although he died in Denmark where he'd made his home, his body was brought back to Glasgow for a funeral on a bitterly cold day in a light flurry of snow. It was said at the time that the Danish government paid for the repatriation of his body to mark his contribution to traditional music at Danish music festivals in places like Skagen and Tonder.

There's still a fair bit of his music available on vinyl. You'll find it fairly cheaply in charity shops across the country. Have a listen; you won't regret it.
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Re: Glasgow’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Postby vinny » Mon Oct 29, 2007 12:18 pm

The music venue mentioned in West George Street probably became either Talk of the Town or Peggy Sue's (or both) as these were in the building that went up in flames.

Other venues that no longer appear on gig listings include:

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Hope Foss doesn't think this is off-topic!

Postby TommyDGNR8 » Mon Oct 29, 2007 2:18 pm

vinny wrote: Strathclyde Uni

Went with a bunch of friends to see Hipsway at Level 8 just around the time The Honeythief was charting.

A bit of a sing-song in George Sq afterwards (waiting for the nightbus) was interrupted by a pissed-up ned demanding we do The Soldier Song.

Cue 6-part harmonies on There was a soldier, a Scottish soldier...
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Re: Glasgow’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Postby jodieohdoh » Mon Oct 29, 2007 7:38 pm

DickyHart wrote:"The Big Day"—Europe's biggest free street party and musical event—brought more than 500,000 people into the city centre for a day of free music by performers as varied as Wet Wet Wet, Deacon Blue, Sheena Easton and hundreds of community street entertainers.

I worked on this day, ive still got me t-shirt and pass somewhere. I was one of the ones who had to collect the rubbish of the stage after Sheena,

Believe it or not, I went to this and I have an idea stuck in my head that it was June 3rd. I must have been maybe 9 or 10... 1990?

P.S. Have just read the message that resolved this issue already (i did search first, wrongly, obviously). I am impressed with myself at getting it right however considering I was in fact 9 at the time. :mrgreen:
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Re: Glasgow’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Postby DickyHart » Sat Nov 03, 2007 3:27 am

Harry margolis

not exactly rock'n'roll but the guy is a glasgow legend

and ace bit in the times on him yesterday ... _swing.php
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Re: Glasgow’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Postby JayKay » Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:33 pm

Not strictly a Glasgow act, but one for the hall of Fame anyway.

Adapted badly from a tale told by Henry Rollins at a spoken word performance at the Riverside Club many moons ago.

In 1984, US punk legends Black Flag were touring the UK. Things were not going well. By this point in history, 'punk' was a term normally used only as part of a sentence that ended 'is not dead' and was only celebrated by rather sad people who had either missed the late '70s or hankered nostalgically for them. The scene had moved on a punk was not where it was at anymore.

So Black Flag rolled into Glasgow, to play Night Moves at the bottom of Sauchihall St (now Moon night club). Anyone who was ever at a gog there will remember that it was from the balcony possible to be exactly above the stage, either behind of beside the band.

The band kick off with an instrumental. Familiarity with anything off the process of weeding out will give you the picture. Not exactly a mellow vibe. The audience are not exactly pretty either, many actively hostile to this bunch of americans who are probably sell-outs, fakes, softies or whatever.

Instrumental over, Rollins takes the stage for his first number. Grabs the mike, wraps cable round his wrist and opens his mouth.

At that very instant he is hit, square on, with a full pint of pish.

He looks around incredulously at the audience, as he begins the number.

And is hit again, full on, head to toe, with another full pint of pish.

The gig continues, Rollins doing his thing, Gregg Ginn no doubt grinding it out in a way only one of the greatest guitarists ever could do, but things don't get better for our Henry or his friends.

The audience, caught in a punk nostalgia timewarp think they're perhaps at the 100 Club in '77, and gob all over the band. One member of the audience, with a particular good aim, seems to be suffering from some ungodly mouth absess and keeps hitting our Henry square on with immense volleys of pus and blood.

Undeterred, our heroes continue. According to one of my mates who was there, it was the best gig he has ever been at in his life, and he has been at a few since.

End of the show, our Henry is soaked in pish, spit and blood. As area all the abnd members. Off he goes backstage. And there is, in the backstage area, like a desert oasis, a shower.

Under he goes, on goes the shower. No water.

So there the band are, thousands of miles from home, playing to an audience whose reaction has been to soak them in bodily fluids for their entire set. They're down. They're tired and they're stinking.

The stage door opens. In wafts a group of immaculately coiffed figures. in long duster coats, baggy trousers and ballet slippers. "Hi", one of them says. "Thought we'd check you out, we were playing at the Apollo this evening, we're Ultravox..."
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Re: Glasgow’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Postby Schiehallion » Wed Nov 07, 2007 6:19 pm

Here's Alice Cooper earlier today on the streets of Glasgow looking a bit angry at the Evening Times blockbuster of a headline story, that....err they're going to move some steps.

What's tomorrow's scoop? "Lamp Post To Be Moved Further Doon Street Shocker"

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