Forgotten Pubs & Clubs in Glasgow

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Postby The_Clincher » Mon Jun 28, 2004 7:16 pm

Being a spritely 32 year old, i think i might just have missed being able to get into Burn's Howf which i hear was a great rock pub....i'm quite partial to "The Solid Rock Cafe" at the bottom of Hope Street..however, i was wondering if any of you good people have any pics/memories of Burn's Howf...and if you could tell me what street it was on!

I've been in the others like "Shadows" & "Wypers" & "The Venue" when they had Rock music regular...but i would like to hear from some Burn's Howf regulars :wink:
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Postby Pgcc93 » Mon Jun 28, 2004 8:37 pm

The_Clincher wrote:I've been in the others like "Shadows" & "Wypers" & "The Venue" when they had Rock music regular...

Was it Shadows that used to have a Battle of the Bands circa mid to late 80's and every band did thier best AC/DC cover? usually Back in Black 8) . What about the "Linburn" or the "Griffin" as a Rock hang out for the 80's rock dude and dudette's ?

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Postby The_Clincher » Mon Jun 28, 2004 8:42 pm

Yes, Pgcc.....i remember Lymburn's too....that used to play rock stuff...i used to go there before "The Venue"...there were a lot of live rock bands round about then......reminds me of "Hamsters of Rock"(snigger) at Kelvingrove Bandstand with Radio Clyde and Tommmm Russseelllllll in attendance...oh dear :) ::):
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Postby Pgcc93 » Mon Jun 28, 2004 9:05 pm

The_Clincher wrote:......reminds me of "Hamsters of Rock"(snigger) at Kelvingrove Bandstand with Radio Clyde and Tommmm Russseelllllll in attendance...oh dear :) ::):

::): I'd forgotten about that Kelvingrove Rock Gig! Where are they now :?: Some decent bands had a crack at it though! Did Gun not Headline there one year :?: not mega rock though.

My Claim to fame with Tom Russel's Rock Show was bidding for a signed KISS album 1987?? Animalize (OK shite album but...!.) Got it for £15 with the late Eric Carr's (Drummer) non de plume on it!.

Had it stolen by a staff member in well known bar in the town where I used to work :evil: (they know who they are). Not to worry I got a mate to put a HEX on them. It must have worked as I saw the c@nt recently and his luck was as I'd hoped for :twisted:
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Burn's Howf

Postby escotregen » Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:21 am

Clincher, me and my pal used to frequent the Howf in the early 80s. Twas a good rock pub but I have to be honest and say we were there for the cheap beer to 'start' a Saturday night, and the alternative rooting an' fighting 'entertainment' which could at times be spectacular. Nothing too violent (otherwise crap bags like me would not have returned) because it was very heavily stewarded. The stewards tended to also be the bar staff, none of your professional 'Rock Steady' in those days... it was a case of a disturbance broke out and the staff lept into it and killed it at once. Sorry I have no photos but it was a pretty dank place in a basement. I'm pretty sure that it was in West Regent Street just up from Union Street, if not West Regent Street then it was one of the parallel ones. From what sober bits I remember the drinking pace in those days was frenetic as we were still in the early days of staying open till 11pm which not all pubs did... so you could find yourself locked out after say 8 0'clock. Oddly enough my (English) pall did a return visit to Glasgow just a few weeks ago when we spent Saturday afternoon in Babbity Bowsers - see Glasgow, see the changes! One of the recurrent Howf scenes we recalled was a regular bunch of guys who would park themselves next to us (everybody had their patch) and go into awsome drinking, eventually the smaller guy would start sliding down the pillar he was propped up against. Their time check for giving up was when they got fed up holding the wee guy up. The 80s young Glasgow guy was sight to behold.
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Postby Seamey » Tue Jun 29, 2004 9:00 am

Ultratheque - where Waterstone's is now on Sauchiehall Street, was open in the early 80s and was full of mirrors. Think I first went in when I was 16. Langside College had their college discos in there too. Funny I remember getting a student card with my age just that wee bit older so I wouldn't get asked any questions by the bouncers - but then I never got asked for ID again.

There was a bar at the corner of the North British Hotel (Copthorne?) that I think was called Grand Prix and was great cause it was one of the first places to sell Furstenburg - I went in a few years later and it became Wenches. Wenches I think still sold Furstenburg, but I might have been distracted a little.

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Postby Cyclo2000 » Tue Jun 29, 2004 11:11 am

The Muscular Arms was a gay place as I recall, as was the Vintners down next to Custom House (and since demolished).

I think Maxwells premises are still there on the Broomielaw, aren't they the one with the half a boat above the door? You'll have to forgive me if get any of this wrong but it's f**kin' ages ago and I was probably drunk.

How about the Warehouse and the Mardi Gras, both behind St Enochs? (sorry guys, hopeless on streetnames!) The Warehouse had a fancy doorway all panelled in glass bricks and was impossibly trendy, even featuring in a film that starred BA Robertson, the title of which escapes me. It was the kind of place where you were afraid to approach the door. The Mardi Gras had a moving dancefloor that went up and down thru the four different discos in the complex. What was the name of the place on the corner of that street that used to have bands on, on a Saturday afternoon?

As you went in the door of the Mardi Gras there was a small Bistro, but no-one ever sat there. One night me and some of the guys took a pal's wee sister with us. She was 16 and so scared she was shaking. (It used to be like that, people would get so wired about these joints). As we walked in the door, she stopped and sniffed.
"Can anyone smell prawns or is it just me?" she said. We were all about 20. Poor girl.

Across the Street there used to be the Coconut Grove, very briefly modish and featured on Taggart at least once.

Biggest loss is surely Change at Jamaica, over the river, now an Indian Restaurant. It used to be open all night and we'd all go for breakfast after the Subbie or the Dirtbox had closed. (I'm old enough to remember before the Sub Club was the Sub Club and it was called Lucifers and further back when the Sub Club was just a one night a week, and it was called The Gang Hut and was at Maestros. Anyone remember the Sunday night at Lucifers was called the Low Down Dirty Dive after a Sunday Post Headline described it thus? Before being Lucifers it was the Jamaica Inn.) I always used to get French Toast.

Round the corner from the Subby there was a place called the Goldmine, now closed. Always looked stinky anyway.

These old clubs remind me of seeing the Zante Misfits at Joannas (in St Vincent Street? Where the Abbey National Building is now and wasn't it formerly the Empire Ballroom or something? Come on guys!) I really did see the Simple Minds at the Mars Bar, but back when Kenny Mizak was still with them (he left to form Set The Tone. Keeping up?) and the Minds were still Johnny and The Self Abusers. BTW if everyone who says they were there that night really had been the Minds would have been playing stadiums a lot sooner. Also, saw Aztec camera at the Bungalow but that was Paisley so needn't concern us here. :-)

What was the place under Cardinal Follies? La Mirrelle? Had a courtyard and a Fountain?

Underneath the Nile there used to be a pre-club thing called the Source. For about 6 months no-one went anywhere else.

Up Park Circus way was a place called Diva in a basement, trendy for 2 weeks.

Changed days, innit? I can't think of a single place in the Town now that would give the frisson we used to get just going up to the door of Nico's or going to the Rock Garden, for a few years the only Glasgow nightery for trendy kids like me, to get a bottle of Grolsch. Or hanging about in the Cul-De-Sac when it first opened, drinking Coors. The drink at the Subby was Red Stripe. In those days all these beers were the genuine imported article. It used to be bloke up on Balmore Industrial Estate who brought it all over. (he put a sticker on the side of the cans! Oh, and if you bought Grolsch you got a pound back on the bottle!)

Can I interest anyone in a second hand youth? Only slightly wasted?
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Postby Cyclo2000 » Tue Jun 29, 2004 12:24 pm

Not in Glasgow, but you'll all have heard about...

The Ranch.

The Ranch stood (just about) in Hamilton's Low Waters Road, about half way up. It was famous as being the worst pub in Scotland and also the last to have a Tap Room as "ladies" weren't allowed in the public bar.

The Ranch was subsiding at a dangerous rate from some time in the early 70s and by the time we were old enough to go in sat at an alarming angle, twisting towards the back far corner. So bad was it than when you'd had a couple (and that's all you'd wanna stay for believe me) you became convinced your inner ear had gone and yer balance with it.

There was no real toilet in the bar. The whole building tilted to one corner so they screened that off and drilled a hole in the floor. You peed in that. If you were a "lady" you just had to hold it in.

They had barstools where the legs were all different lengths so you could balance on the uneven floor.

We used to sell the landlady stationery at the place where I worked. She would come in to buy a pen and our boss used to put it on a wee tray and kind of "present" it to her, bowing the while. She was very politely spoken and always wore a hat. You would never have thought that she could preside over such a shithole as The Ranch.[/i]
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House of Lords

Postby escotregen » Tue Jun 29, 2004 3:25 pm

This might be a bit serious for this topic but I'm scared to start a new thread in case I get bawled out for not having searched for an existing one first! So here goes. There used to be a pub called the 'House of Lords' in Bell Street. (I think it may even have been housed in the Greek Thompson Warehouse building that was another priceless city asset we lost a year or so back). If you cross west from Bell Street directly across the High Street, you come into Wilson Street. I have it on good authority i.e. my old dad, that during the inter-war years in the 1920s and 30s the area around Wilson Street and Hutcheson Street were the open air gathering places for political agitation and meetings, especially the anarchist and syndicalist activists. I have wondered off and on whether there was some connection... 'House of Lords'... political revolutionaries... the old Queens Theatre around the corner that in the same period was home to the Unity Theatre group...??? After all, the name House of Lords in what was always a working class neighbourhood in Glasgow does seem a biyt unusual.
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Postby Sharon » Tue Jun 29, 2004 3:47 pm

escotregen...don't fear the new topic! Punishment for not searching first is light :wink:
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Postby JayKay » Tue Jun 29, 2004 3:48 pm

The Burns howff was in a basement in west Regent street AFAIR ( as I tried to post last night before the post was locked :evil: )

the Howff was alittle before my time, it had the reputation for a fairly strict "no under 18s policy." Mind you, so did Shadows and that never posed much of a problem. Lymburns was popular 'cause it was handy for the Venue. And not so strict when it came to the under 18s :wink:

The other rock-related drinking haunt of those days was the Buchanan Hotel. Normally a saturday would start touring a few record shops, then to the Buchanan late afternoon, one at Shadows then Lymburns then the Venue. Mr Chips on the way home.
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Postby escotregen » Tue Jun 29, 2004 4:00 pm

Sharon thanks for the reassurance, it's just that these folk with all their big stripes can be quite frightening to us IT-challenged wee guys
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Postby Fossil » Tue Jun 29, 2004 4:32 pm

JayKay wrote:The Burns howff was in a basement in west Regent street AFAIR ( as I tried to post last night before the post was locked :evil: )................................

The thread you are referring to was locked because a thread had already started here at forgotten pubs.
Unfortunately it is impossible to have threads for every pub in Glasgow that we all remember.
Its always a good idea to search the forms first.

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Postby Gus » Tue Jun 29, 2004 7:03 pm

Didn't stop someone starting a thread about 'The Videodrome'.

Red writing should never be necessary on a fun group like this....

Better go, River City's on. Anyone remember 'Scarlet' when she was in an episode of the wonderfull 'High Life'?

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Postby Gus » Tue Jun 29, 2004 7:10 pm

Rather coincidentally, I'm actually listening to my telly through a very old pair of Wharfedale Mach3 speakers that came out of 'Charlie Parkers' in Royal Exchange Square...

Claim tae fame or whit?

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