Locked topics

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Locked topics

Postby glasgowken » Wed Apr 12, 2006 8:12 pm

For doubled topics, wouldn't it be better to merge the locked thread with the relevant thread?
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Postby My Kitten » Thu Apr 13, 2006 6:27 am

As far as I know they can be split but not merged. :(
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Postby Local Hero » Thu Apr 13, 2006 7:00 am

There is a modification to phpBB available that allows the merging of topics. This would obviously involve a wee bit of work for Sharon (but not too much I have installed loads of mods on my own boards and most are relatively simple to intigrate into your pages.

Anyways here is the link http://www.phpbbhacks.com/download/1690

This time investment would certainly pay off in the long run as sometimes these duplicate topics can get into a new area of discussion before they are locked and while sometimes these are carried forward into the original topic often something is lost leaving you with only half a discussion if you come back to the thread later and forget there was another locked topic which related to it. So merging the topics would reduce the server overhead of multiple searches for different variations of the same thread titles/subjects
Ah used tae be indecisive but noo ah'm nae sae sure.
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Postby Apollo » Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:58 am

I can point you to a forum package that is 10 times easier than phpBB to install and mantain, has things like merging as standard, doesn't need mySQL and can import phpBB data too (and the search returns messages, not just titles).

Only thing it doesn't have (but might get) is 'posts since last visit' offering a listing of the most recent posts instead. I prefer that too, as a network loss means you can't see the most recent when you log back in, and there's no way to recover them.
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Postby Jazza » Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:18 pm

I can reel off the names of a dozen forum packages...some are better, some are worse, some are commercial, some are free, some are fast and some are slow etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

if mySQL isnt needed then what is? an alternative dB? flat files?
mySQL is fast, simple to setup and well supported by alot of hosting companies and proven to be scalable, ie. it is not not an issue

The problem with phpBB mods, is that each mod installed might not work when phpBB is updated (every few months). This leads to more work as the mod might not get updated (the creator may have lost interest for example, then we would have people moaning about features being removed).

Priority number 1 is keeping phpBB up-to-date and as secure as possible (seen as the last hacking attempt nearly screwed things up in a major way)

Some mods are essential - like ones to block crazy spidering, and some are nice to have, so long as they dont involve updates to the core code.

Saying that I agree that a merging feature would be useful.
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