Springboig: Des res or deathtrap?

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Postby Afro_Glaswegian » Sat Feb 10, 2007 6:59 pm

When I was younger I lived in Greenfield (Inveresk Street) between the ages of 3 and 7 and even after i left, i still went to visit my great gran til she died in '03 and i dont remember any nasty incidents at all happening in the area. Even the drunks wandering the streets were harmless.

Greenfield, Springboig, Sandyhills and even Shettleston itself are actually really nice places to live and arent anything as bad as places like Dalmarnock and Bridgeton that give the constituency such a bad name. A flat in Springboig? i'd recommend it. its a quiet, friendly area and you have tesco and the Coop nearby as well as all the other wee shops on Shettleston road and the train station is handy. Shettleston juniors are within walking distance and more pubs than you can swig a cider at. its peachy :)
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Postby My Word » Sat Feb 10, 2007 9:05 pm

Alan L wrote:Barlanark Place, just off the wee square at Shettleston station.

I think you mean Budhill Avenue.

I used to live in Balgair Terrace - on the square - across from what used to be the Pipe Rack, great view from the window of the train coming down the line and beating it to the platform in the morning.
It was a good place to live then - before the popularity of chemical induced madness ofcourse but friends still there seem to have little complaint. If your concerned visit the area on a Friday & Saturday night - have a drive round.
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Postby Alan L » Sun Feb 11, 2007 7:22 pm

Thanks for the feedback chaps. There was some helpful stuff there.

As I come from a town once labelled the worst in Scotland by our lovely press, I can certainly see why East End folk would be a tad pissed off by the continual misrepresentation of their area.

At the moment, this flat is my favourite of the two I'm most interested in. I've now arranged to go back and see it a 2nd time during daylight hours. With a bit of luck I'll own my own place in Glasgow soon. :D
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Postby Alex Glass » Sun Feb 11, 2007 8:23 pm

Good luck Alan.

Hope you like the place in day light.
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Postby Sydney Rosewater » Sun Feb 11, 2007 9:47 pm

Afro_Glaswegian wrote:
Greenfield, Springboig, Sandyhills and even Shettleston itself are actually really nice places to live and arent anything as bad as places like Dalmarnock and Bridgeton that give the constituency such a bad name.

Have you ever set foot in dalmarnock Afro_Glaswegian? I live there and have never had the slightest whif of any trouble, for years. Shettleston I have found much worse for trouble on the streets.
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Postby Afro_Glaswegian » Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:33 pm

you mean people actually live in dalmarnock? i have walked through the area three times when i cant afford a bus fare back into town after watching Celtic and have seen only the local young team as a sign of life there. just about every street was full of boarded up flats or 'ghost streets'. if you live there, you might see another side of the area that i havent but really, its not a place that i would be inclined to visit again. Shettleston, however, has some of the best community spirit iv ever experienced and we have basic amenities there that dalmarnock lacks like shops and nice parks, habitable houses and PEOPLE!

you live in the allan street maisonettes right? no offense like but everything within a 1/2 mile radius of there is condemned for a reason.
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Postby Sydney Rosewater » Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:53 pm

Afro_Glaswegian wrote:
you live in the allan street maisonettes right? no offense like but everything within a 1/2 mile radius of there is condemned for a reason.

Er... no, where did you pul that from? There's only one maisonette in allan st and it's empty now apart from one house. Exactly where I live is neither here nor there.
There was a bit more life to the place before sunnybank st, ardenlea st, and the flats got emptied/pulled down obviously. But I can assure you there is plenty of people still live there and no lack of community spirit.
Although seeing as you've walked through one half of the place thrice I really should bow to your superior wisdom.
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Postby Sydney Rosewater » Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:58 pm

Afro_Glaswegian wrote:nice parks, habitable houses

There is also the clyde walkway which is a pleasant alternative walk to town. and plenty of, as you put it, "habitable houses" including a lot of new builds and a plethora of inter-war 4 in a blocks with -shock horror- beautifully maintained front and back gardens.
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Postby Sydney Rosewater » Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:24 pm

Afro_Glaswegian wrote:you live in the allan street maisonettes right? no offense like but everything within a 1/2 mile radius of there is condemned for a reason.

As i've said in answere to your queer presumtion, no i don't.
The reason being?
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Postby Sydney Rosewater » Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:28 pm

Afro_Glaswegian wrote:you mean people actually live in dalmarnock? i have walked through the area three times when i cant afford a bus fare back into town after watching Celtic and have seen only the local young team as a sign of life there. just about every street was full of boarded up flats or 'ghost streets'. if you live there, you might see another side of the area that i havent but really, its not a place that i would be inclined to visit again. Shettleston, however, has some of the best community spirit iv ever experienced and we have basic amenities there that dalmarnock lacks like shops and nice parks, habitable houses and PEOPLE!

you live in the allan street maisonettes right? no offense like but everything within a 1/2 mile radius of there is condemned for a reason.

And to finish off, I congratulate you sir/madam on being the first person I have ever encountered who has felt socially superior due to the fact that he/she lives in Shitleston. And my family originate there. Got a street named after them too. It's peachy.
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Postby Apollo » Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:36 pm

I don't see anyone 'bigging' anywhere up here so far.

But I do see rather too much degrading rhetoric :cry:

Please stop, or take it elsewhere, and let the thread deal with the original question seriously. It was interesting.
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Postby Afro_Glaswegian » Tue Feb 13, 2007 2:01 pm

i dunno i think i was skimming through the boards one day and some guy said he lived in the allan street maisonette(s) so i assumed it was you. my bad. just to clear a few things up before we get back on track

1)Nice parks in shettleston? greenfield park is pretty good. as are the playing fields just off old shettleston road.

2)i dont consider myself "superior" because im from shettleston. i am fond of shettleston because i spent much of my childhood there and am bloody proud of it. im sure you are equally proud of being from dalmarnock. at the end of the day though, its all glasgow.

3) dalmarnock is no bearsden. neither is shettleston. which is the greater of the two evils? i am a tad biased as are you, mr murray, so we could probably argue all day and still not come to a conclusion.

so back to the topic, springboig - good or bad? good. for reasons ive already stated. maybe we should start up a forum about dalmarnock - good or bad? 8) j/k pulling your leg mate. what happened to the Alan guy? You decided to buy the flat then?
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Postby Alan L » Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:15 pm

Haven't decided to buy the flat.

I saw another flat elsewhere in Glasgow advertised for a fixed price on Friday, so went for that instead. My offer was accepted today and hopefully I'll have it surveyed tomorrow. :D

I'm not divulging any more details in case some rich HG type places a cash offer higer than the fixed price to gazump (sp?) me. :P

I had a second viewing at Budhill and still think it's a cracking flat though.
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Postby Mark N » Wed Feb 14, 2007 6:56 am

Alan L wrote: My offer was accepted today and hopefully I'll have it surveyed tomorrow. :D

I'm a bit confused - I thought in Scotland you don't make the offer until after the survey, because it's binding ? Or do you make some sort of conditional offer first (ie to see if your offering price is acceptable) which doesn't tie you into buying the place (nor stop other people competing for it), then make the proper no-going-back one later - if the survey is fine ?

I ask because I'm going to be buying a flat in Glasgow in a few months time, and I thought I'd got the procedure sussed out!

Good luck with it, BTW :D
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Postby crusty_bint » Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:18 pm

you make your offer subject to survey, then if anything shows up your not happy about (i.e. your lender isnt happy about) then your free to negotiate or pull-out :)
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