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Re: Glasgow's seven zebra crossings

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 11:04 pm
by MungoDundas
Apologies that the charmless American Zooomr
photo-repository has closed down - shall maybe
try a visit to Giffnock Old again for a re-snap.

Tantallon Rd ~ a perfectly reasonable zebra
crossing spolied by failed paint works then
weakened by rouged ramped sleeping policeman
Pyonyang just can't hit the right note on road management.




Re: Glasgow's seven zebra crossings

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 4:44 am
by robertpool
I have this in my collection but have no idea what it's for .... anyone?

1960's Glasgow APC Silver Zebra Award Badge

Re: Glasgow's seven zebra crossings

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 8:57 pm
by ibtg
Bobby, that's an award from the Kelvin Hall for proficiency in cycling for youngsters.

Every year, I think it was at the Modern Homes or something, they used to set up a miniature cycle track, like a street, with traffic lights and zebra crossings and suchlike, all child-sized. Children were then given a bike to ride around the course, obeying any traffic signs, etc. and were observed by 'examiners'. This was to encourage road safety. At the end of their ride, they were presented with one of those medals, with the number of stars signifying how well they had done.

You brought back a lovely memory of being there to see my Dad, as he used to be one of the workers there. He worked for Glasgow Corporation Roads Dept.

Re: Glasgow's seven zebra crossings

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 11:40 am
by robertpool
thanks for the info Liz. I have had this medal for years but never knew what it was for.