City Deer

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Re: City Deer

Postby crazygray23 » Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:16 pm

there are about 5 deer that make regular apperances on the hill thats bottom of the green car park bottom of silverburn
they seem to just chase each other about , havent had a clear view of them they only appear well after the centre closes and never venture off the hill
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Re: City Deer

Postby conn75 » Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:33 pm

bluepeterno1 wrote:We are really used to see them on Bute,so nobody seems to bother with them .They come right into the gardens and eat the flowers, bit of a pest.

I said to my mate once ,do you like Venison, he replied yes i love it ,but it's DEAD DEER ./ boom boom.

Yeah, I've seen them on Bute clattering along the streets of Rothesay and Ardbeg at night. I also frightened one in Glencallum early one Sunday morning when I was camping in the bay overnight and ventured hungover up the glen for a piss.
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Re: City Deer

Postby Boabby » Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:33 am

Re Silverburn Deer (how I hate that name, it used to be known as "The Brock Burn" but that was before the developers moved in. I guess they thought the "Badger Burn" [as translated] wasn't in keeping with their monetary aspirations for the site?)

Last weekend there was a stag grazing on the verge to the left of the on-ramp from Silverburn to the city-bound carrriageway on both Sat and Sunday afternoons in the early part of the afternoon, and on Tues, Wed and Thurs there were 3 hinds (possibly 4 on Thurs) grazing on the Pollok Park side in the region of the count-down markers to the off-ramp coming from the city for Silverburn in the early evening (about 5:30).

They looked very dark brown, largish build and had white rumps; not characteristics associated with Roe Deer, which are about the size of Alsation Dogs, tan in colour (when I've seen them before) and have "prongs" rather than antlers. The stag definitely had antlers rather than prongs.

Unfortunately I've been driving in heavy traffic every time I passed them so can't stare at them to confirm their ID, but my glances tend towards Sika deer rather than Roe, if so they would be a new species to the city. Has anyone the time or interest to explore this on foot with a camera?
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Re: City Deer

Postby e2wufos1 » Fri Mar 07, 2008 11:48 pm

Hi Boaby

I've not got transport so wouldn't be able to help as I don't know the area around where your talking about but after doing a quick search online I found a couple of other species of deer other than Roe.

Hopefully you can recognise the ones you saw.

Below is Sika Deer

muntjac deer

fallow deer

Hopefully you can identify them

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Re: City Deer

Postby Boabby » Sat Mar 08, 2008 1:23 am

Thanks for your endeavours, Jim,

I used to live in a rural area where we had red deer, sika and roe deer in abundance. The ones I saw grazing were definitely not fallow deer, no spots, all dark brown, white-ish rump and looked too large and too dark to be Roe Deer, hence my conclusions. I could be wrong as I was driving at the time and could only steal glances at them in case other drivers hit the brakes on approach to the slip road in the region of where they were grazing. My attempt at a photo, while driving, showed loads of green and a brown smear :((

I'm not ruling out Roe, but tend towards Sika or Red for these ones as they look larger and are darker in colour than the Roe I've seen before.


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Re: City Deer

Postby e2wufos1 » Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:10 am

Hi Boaby,

Sorry for my assumption that you didn't know the difference between species, but i'd like to show you a photo of a roe deer I took last week in the eastend which is dark in colour.

Apologies for the quality but I didn't have time to set up a tripod.

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Re: City Deer

Postby onyirtodd » Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:14 am

Does anyone know which breed makes the best eating?
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Re: City Deer

Postby Schiehallion » Sat Mar 08, 2008 11:00 am

onyirtodd wrote:Does anyone know which breed makes the best eating?

Milanda by a mile.
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Re: City Deer

Postby Josef » Sat Mar 08, 2008 12:36 pm

onyirtodd wrote:Does anyone know which breed makes the best eating?

Try eating Roe-st venison three days running, and you'll be Sika deer.
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Re: City Deer

Postby Schiehallion » Sat Mar 08, 2008 2:24 pm

Josef wrote:
onyirtodd wrote:Does anyone know which breed makes the best eating?

Try eating Roe-st venison three days running, and you'll be Sika deer.

Is that what they do at a stag night? And aw end up fawn aboot.
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Re: City Deer

Postby HollowHorn » Sat Mar 08, 2008 5:33 pm

Schiehallion wrote:Milanda by a mile.

Atsa cracker ::): ::): ::): ::): ::):
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Re: City Deer

Postby onyirtodd » Sat Mar 08, 2008 5:37 pm

HollowHorn wrote:
Schiehallion wrote:Milanda by a mile.

Atsa cracker ::): ::): ::): ::): ::):

Use the loaf grandad

is a cracker.
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Re: City Deer

Postby Boabby » Mon Mar 10, 2008 12:41 am

Popular consensus is the breed is Milanda. Any of you want to take a guess at to which species the breed is derived from? Obviously it is it's mother's pride, won't win at Acot, has co-operative antecedents and has little to do with Hovis or Warburtons since they are based outside Glasgow.

As for your Dark coloured Roe, Jim, it's possible, but there's no scale on the picture nor a white rump.

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Re: City Deer

Postby Reenie Bujman » Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:53 pm

Saw this one in Cowlairs Park on Monday afternoon:


Unusual to see one at three in the afternoon; they're usual holed-up until evening time (at least the Somerset ones are.)

I saw her before she saw me, so I was able to sneak up on her (very quietly). I had the camera set to 1600 ISO and the "beep" turned off. Even so, she saw me before I could get a clear shot of her face and she was gone in no time.


They have ears like radar dishes and I know they can hear the shutter on my EOS300D at 100 yards without difficulty. Their sight is not so good and if they don't evaluate you as a threat, then their natural curiosity can overcome them. I was lying on my back in long grass when I took this shot:


The youngster was no more than ten yards away having come from further away to see what I was and only ran away when summoned by its mum who was close at hand. You need to be patient and lie in wait. Leave Mutleigh at home.
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Re: City Deer

Postby Mori » Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:31 pm

Evening Times

Hunt for dog owner after deer is mauled to death


THE owner of a dog is being hunted after a young roe deer was mauled to death in a busy Glasgow park.
The sickening attack happened near Hogganfield Loch in the city's north east.
Parents and youngsters watched helplessly as the deer was chased and killed next to the children's play area in Hogganfield Park at around 4pm on Monday.
Horrified onlookers raised the alarm at nearby Lethamhill Golf Course and police were quickly at the scene.
The back end of the deer had been completed ripped off by the dog, which is believed to be a Pointer.
Images of the dead animal's injuries were too horrific to be printed.
Police say the dog, which is dark brown, has been seen chasing deer in the busy park on a number of occasions.
Officers fear the animal may strike again and could attack children who get in the way of its kill.
The park is home to a variety of wildlife including deer and swans.
The remains of the mutilated deer were taken to Glasgow University for a post-mortem examination.
Strathclyde Police Wildlife Crime Officer, Constable Craig Borthwick said the deer's injuries were among the most horrific he had seen in an animal.
He said: "We have received a number of reports over the last month of a pointer dog that has been hunting and killing deer.
"Yesterday at about 4pm we received a call from staff at the golf course that an 18-month-old roe deer had been killed by a dog.
"The deer would have died a horrific death.
"Our main concern is that somebody is wilfully allowing their dog to hunt and kill animals in this park.
"There is also the concern that someone, such as a child, could get in the way of the dog.
"What if a child had got in the way of the dog.
"We will be rigorously pursuing the owner of the dog with the view to prosecution and would appeal for anyone who witnessed this incident to come forward.
"We believe that this man is local. The animal will be fairly distinctive because it is a pedigree."
Anyone with information should contact police on 0141 532 2000.

Publication date 18/02/09
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