Building Site

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Re: Building Site

Postby Dave » Sat Feb 21, 2009 9:47 pm

Fits like a glove, no?
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Re: Building Site

Postby Doorstop » Sat Feb 21, 2009 9:48 pm

You're correct .. no.

Fuckin' abortion of a building. :evil:
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Re: Building Site

Postby penguinmonkey » Sun Feb 22, 2009 12:14 am

Doorstop wrote:You're correct .. no.

Fuckin' abortion of a building. :evil:

well if it does go ahead i'm sure auntie brigit can be prevailed upon to provide some "marzipan" to arrange one
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Re: Building Site

Postby Dave » Sun Feb 22, 2009 12:17 am

penguinmonkey wrote:
Doorstop wrote:You're correct .. no.

Fuckin' abortion of a building. :evil:

well if it does go ahead i'm sure auntie brigit can be prevailed upon to provide some "marzipan" to arrange one

I suppose in the saving grace of Glasgow, we haven't got to the stage where we need to make stupid shaped building just so the light falls correctly on the listed structures below a-la the Wedge in London
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Re: Building Site

Postby Bingo Bango » Mon Feb 23, 2009 2:21 pm

Doorstop wrote:You're correct .. no.

Fuckin' abortion of a building. :evil:

So, what exactly makes this building an 'abortion' in your eyes? I am genuinely interested - I often see such vehement anger towards proposals for buildings based on 1 or 2 images and would like to understand what it is - is it the massing? the height? the materials? the fact it is new?

a bit of debate would be nice. :)
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Re: Building Site

Postby mrsam » Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:41 pm

Bingo Bango wrote:
Doorstop wrote:You're correct .. no.

Fuckin' abortion of a building. :evil:

So, what exactly makes this building an 'abortion' in your eyes? I am genuinely interested - I often see such vehement anger towards proposals for buildings based on 1 or 2 images and would like to understand what it is - is it the massing? the height? the materials? the fact it is new?

a bit of debate would be nice. :)

People often don't like new buildings because they are are a significant departure from what went before, but also because they don't bare any relation to the surroundings.

In this case I thing that this building is interesting, it will dwarf its neighbours, but it appears not to overpower them (note subtle destinction). However that said it lacks any sort of 'nod' to its neighbours. It is unashamedly modern and hopefull the proposal is not watered down into a bland box.

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Re: Building Site

Postby Doorstop » Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:03 pm

Bingo Bango wrote:
So, what exactly makes this building an 'abortion' in your eyes? I am genuinely interested

In my opinion the building looks entirely out of place on a number of levels not least of which being it's physical size is disproportionate to all the surrounding structures.

This, in itself, wouldn't be a problem if the nearest buildings had some level of separation from the new structure but cheek by jowl like that the disparity is jarring and out of character.

The construction style and materials are also incongruous with the character of the surrounding buildings. I'm not saying that every new building in Glasgow should be some sort of bastardised homogenous quasi-Mackintosh style but they should at least make an attempt to blend into the structures surrounding them in, at least, some small fashion to provide some sense of continuity and identity on a Glaswegian street-line.

This monstrosity is the architectural equivalent of a punk rocker at a Sunday School tea party.
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Re: Building Site

Postby Bingo Bango » Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:50 am

Right, I understand what you mean, Mr Sam and Doorstop, I really do.

I just find the argument that buildings are no good because they don't look like what has been there before or because they are taller etc as being a bit weak. If you actually look at Glasgow, or most other cities to be fair, the accepted brilliance of the victorian architecture etc, you will notice that there are plenty areas where one building sits cheek-by-jowel with another of completely different style and scale. Its part of what makes the city so interesting, and for any city to go grow and adapt etc you need buildings that are designed to be used in the way the time they are built in dictates. The grandest and finest of office type buildings from long ago would absolutely not work today, for example, and so a new model is introduced, using the technologies of the time, just like what happened 100's of years ago, and sometimes even pushing the technology of the time to learn something new, just like what happened 100's of years ago.

I would like to be able to pinpoint the exact moment when we as a society decided that our modern building was no good, and that everything that came before was how it should always be.

For the record, I think the scheme for the bank site is good. It has an interesting section, and the materials proposed are of a high quality.

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Re: Building Site

Postby Doorstop » Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:25 pm

And you're missing my point .. Glasgow, like other major Scottish cities are instantly recognisable by the individuality of their architecture.

To say that progress in architecture has to take place at a tangent to the generally recognised aesthetic merely because the material technology of the era allows it to smacks of lazy design.

Instead of designing a building that, while using state of the art materials and building techniques, still manages to conform to something resembling the Glaswegian, Dundonian, Aberdonian etc style of conventional architectural styling, modern architects seem to delight in bringing us the new and outlandish designs of Judge Dredd's Mega City One.

As I said, modern contemporary architecture is innovative, technically superlative and fascinating in it's blending of form and function .. it should just be used, in it's extremis, sparingly lest the unique character of our town centres are lost forever to the slip of a pen of an over zealous titanium clad student of building and works.
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Re: Building Site

Postby Bingo Bango » Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:25 pm

I get your point. I am pointing out that part of the reason for the unique architecture of Victorian/whenever Glasgow is their willingness to embrace the technology, to push the boundaries and to reap the rewards that confidence in themselves can bring.

I am not saying anything has to take place at a tangent to what is currently there. My problem with debating aesthetic alone is that it is such an inherently subjective thing to argue on. For example, someone may think if they were to see the 2 of us that you were the more attractive, where i know for a FACT that is not the case. Why should we be forbidden from standing next to one another even though we get on in so many other ways? :wink:

Please dont get me wrong, i cringe as much as the next person at some of the shocking proposals put forward for the city - i just try to not let it taint all modern building.....
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Re: Building Site

Postby Doorstop » Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:52 pm

A third person observing the two of us may well think you are the more attractive, however, I'll lay odds he wouldn't say so to my face. :wink:
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Re: Building Site

Postby Lucky Poet » Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:24 am

I only speak for myself here of course, but I think the exterior looks awful. It's a repeat of the same random fenestration (for want of a better term) that's been cropping up for the past few years: funkily placed windows. With a sandstone surround. Green-tinted glass too, I'll bet.

So much of the recent stuff I've seen has been the equivalent of having Snow Patrol blasted at you while walking down the street. Lowest common denominator follower-of-fashion nonsense, lacking any merit other than making money for the contractors. The only consolation is that most of it's so cheaply built, it'll be gone inside three decades. :P
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Re: Building Site

Postby Doorstop » Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:05 am

What he said.
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Re: Building Site

Postby penguinmonkey » Thu Feb 26, 2009 11:46 am

It's always funny 'til someone gets hurt and then it's just hilarious
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Re: Building Site

Postby Plot40 » Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:28 am

Looking at the architects proposal for this site is making me feel rather warm, fuzzy and down right nostalgic over the loss of the National Bank of Pakistan facade. I just don't get it!
Perhaps there is an architect or town planner out there who can explain the thinking behind this design and convince me that it enhances this particular area of Glasgow and that Glasgow citizenry will be forever grateful for this contribution to the Sauchiehall street skyline.
Or is it just me?
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