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PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 12:50 pm
by escotregen
I've just discovered your excellent site. Having lived away from Glasgow through the 70s before returning I have a particular appreciation for the culture and heritage of the city. I'm a consultant working in the urban regeneration sector in Scotland. My main work just now is organising and facilitating half-day seminars and Open Forums across Scotland for those working in regeneration - especially those interested in social and economic inclusion aims. It seems many of us on this website share an interest in old cinimas. I think this is a rich potential seam to explore with many remaining but dissappearing examples, and I think Glasgow people would respond warmly to anything we promoted. In addition there are many potential partner agencies such as Scottish Screen and other individuals would help; as I found out when Mark Cousins helped me get a letter to (and a moving response from) Kirk Douglas on his affection for Glasgow from his great moving stardom days. :)


PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 6:42 pm
by Ronnie
Hi Sharon and everybody else
Thanks for the great site and the forums. I've been lurking for a while but now it the time to register and say hello.

Hi all!!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 1:32 pm
by crusty_bint
Sharon (thats an unusual name... :twisted: ) your site is excellent!!
Since reading about the Central's low level and other unused stations I find myself increasingly drawn to stare into the blackness and point them out to everyone whilst on one of these trains!! It really is getting embarassing! :oops:

I've lived in Glasgow all my life, growing up in the East end and now living on the South side. I am studying architectural conservation at the moment and have always been inquisitive about Glasgows hidden past... so I'm wholly intrigued by your marvellous little site! :D

BTW... I'm not a 40 year old woman contrary to what the name might suggest 8O ::): ::): ::): ::):

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 7:55 pm
by Cardno
Hello there everyone!

I am Cardno an 18 year old student from Jordanhill. Just came across the site recently and am completely engrossed in it! Guess you just never realise how much there is to be seen in Glasgow!

Cardno xxx

Magic Site

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 9:53 pm
by Fossil
hi all
First up this is one excellent site. I 've been coming here on and off since last year.
I hope i can be of help to all.
i suppose I joined to find out more about the hidden city i know some but there is so much. eg:under the old Lewis building, George square and today iI heard about The Bannana Room in the merchant city (hope its true).

Over the years (i'm not that old) i've pick up some info and hopefully will pass this on
Would like to go on some grave tours or other outings. I think I might pass on the tunnels though.
cheers all :)

Re: Magic Site

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 10:00 pm
by Cardno
tim wrote:eg:under the old Lewis building, George square and today iI heard about The Bannana Room in the merchant city (hope its true).

I think this all seems sooo interesting! I wud love to come explose some of these places...what's the bannana room tho?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 4:27 pm
by Smartalex

I am a Darnley born boy of 25 years, I was actually born and raised in the old darnley hospital on nitshill road in pollok where my father was the all night porter at the time and we lived in one of the three small bungalows at the rear of the hospital (Now Demolished) which i would love to see photos of coz all the photos i have all have me in them and they probably not of much intrest but plans or site photos i'd love to see!

but hello anyway and thanks for building such a great site!

all the best alex

PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 4:27 pm
by Smartalex

I am a Darnley born boy of 25 years, I was actually born and raised in the old darnley hospital on nitshill road in pollok where my father was the all night porter at the time and we lived in one of the three small bungalows at the rear of the hospital (Now Demolished) which i would love to see photos of coz all the photos i have all have me in them and they probably not of much intrest but plans or site photos i'd love to see!

but hello anyway and thanks for building such a great site!

all the best alex

PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 5:11 pm
by clydesurfer

i'm michael from germany and i'm sooo thankful for having found this fantastic website about my favourite city :)

this whole thing is a brilliant idea with so many interesting facets to explore. please keep on updating this page :)

as for me, i'm 20 and study british culture, language and literature as well as communications and politics in dresden/germany. i'd like to continue my studies in glasgow or edinburgh in order to get a british degree and live and work in scotland.

i love glasgow as a city with all its nice people and interesting places, buildings and stories.

cheeeriooo :)


Dresden's lovely.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 12:25 pm
by gordonjcp
I'd love to go back there. I was there about 10 years ago, when they were just debating whether or not to rebuild the Leibfrauenkirche (spelling?), or preserve it as a ruin.


PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 2:05 pm
by clydesurfer
yeah, we simply call it "Frauenkirche"...actually, they've almost finished to rebuild it. i think the official re-opening will be in 2006, during the city jubilee.

there's been much urban development since your last visit, especially with the new shopping malls in the city centre.

however, as with anything in this town, people often just DEBATE whether or not to do something. therefore, many plans have not been realised, yet. it always takes years until they start to build or sometimes it even never happens...

PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 8:16 pm
by My Kitten
Hello, Ive been down south for about a 1 1/2 now but lived in Glasgow for the previous 30 years of my life. good to see a site about things I used to go on wanders with my dad to seek out. It makes me miss home tho :(

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 5:50 pm
by DVF

Been looking around the site, well done!

I've found out a lot over the past couple of hours, just need to go visiting everywhere now!

I was beginning to think I was alone in looking for the lost parts of Glasgow, I feel much more comfortable now.

I have lots of questions I need to ask but this thread is not the place.



PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 3:40 pm
by nodrog
Hello folks,

I'm Gordon, 26 and live near the West End.

I'm also mad on old cinemas - the website

is all my fault. Nice to meet you all!

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 11:13 pm
by Woolly Joss

Found your excellent site thanks to your link to mine ( in your feature about Hampden.

Main interests are Queen's Park FC (as you may have guessed), photography and avoiding work (not too good at the latter unfortunately).

Really enjoying reading about the past of Glasgow, keep up the good work.