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Pollok Park site for "Go Ape" centre.... just say NO!!

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:10 pm
by Nanny Ogg
Just got a leaflet through my door today from the Save Pollok Park campaign and noticed there was nowt about it on this forum.

Glasgow City Council has invited Adventure Forest Ltd. to create a Go Ape centre in the North Wood area of Pollok Park. This area will be restricted access (£20 per teenager, £25 per adult), will require the felling of trees and significant change to the wooded area, with an expected increase in traffic of around 1,000 extra cars per week in peak season.

Not only does this development contravene the conditions laid out in the terms of the "Gift" of the estate to the city of Glasgow by the Maxwell family in 1969 ("for the enjoyment of the citizens of Glasgow"), but if you look at the figures on the website ( it looks like Glasgow City Council will not benefit from this development either, not financially, and certainly not "in kind". Unless individuals are benefitting in some way? Or should I not be so cynical?

If you object to these plans, there are a number of things you can do, details of which are on the website, and there is a Public Meeting arranged on Tuesday 22nd January at 7:30pm in Pollokshaws Burgh Hall (2025 Pollokshaws Road).

Act now to preserve the beauty and tranquility of "Britain's Best Park"!

Re: Pollok Park site for "Go Ape" centre.... just say NO!!

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:12 pm
by Smartalex
I don't think I like the idea of this at all. 8O

The area they are planning to build on is extensive and will destroy a large part of the woodland walk areas, I don't see why they have chosen the middle of Pollok Park for this when there are plenty of other sites that could house their "Theme Park".

Also does it need to be so closely sited to the Burrell and Pollok House:-

Re: Pollok Park site for "Go Ape" centre.... just say NO!!

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:35 pm
by crusty_bint
I'll be at the meeting, this is unacceptable.

Re: Pollok Park site for "Go Ape" centre.... just say NO!!

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 6:01 pm
by My Kitten
This is a disgrace. Another great piece of consultation by GCC. I live on the doorstep of the park and have heard nothing, yet if this goes ahead I fear i will!

quote from GCC consultation document
"contribute further to both the City’s health improvement and youth diversion agendas by
enhancing and extending the provision of outdoor sport and recreational activities."

Indeed spending £25 for one session increases my health improvement, how about opening the swimming pools that were closed in the Pollokshaws etc areas to increase health and enable youth diversion??

Definately attending the meeting.

Re: Pollok Park site for "Go Ape" centre.... just say NO!!

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 7:48 pm
by viceroy
This is a totally inappropriate development for Pollok Park. In particular I find it almost beyond belief that the intended location has been planned for the North Wood, probably the most tranquil and visually attractive section of the Park. The whole thing will be an eyesore, the noise will be unbearable, there is likely to be a litter problem and without 24/7 security it will become a magnet for vandals.

Part of the issue here is that the Council are treating Pollok Park as if it is just another municipal park. It is of course nothing of the sort. It is an ancient country estate gifted to the people of Glasgow and should be maintained as a conservation area for their benefit, not turned into a glorified theme park.

It’s not as if the quality of the Park as an amenity has not already been deteriorating over the years. The rot set in with the construction of the M77 Motorway which vastly increased noise pollution levels over much of the area. Also, the mountain bike track all along the northern [Dumbreck] boundary of the Park is quite frankly a bloody nuisance. The bikers show little or no consideration for walkers and the official track has encouraged some of them to take their machines along more secluded paths where they are not supposed to be, which consequently get churned up into impassable quagmires, particularly in wet weather. Furthermore, in recent months a massive flatted development has been steadily rising above the trees on the Haggs Road side. Enough already!

I certainly intend to be at the public meeting.

Re: Pollok Park site for "Go Ape" centre.... just say NO!!

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 9:29 pm
by invy
The dear green place is literally becoming a *dear* green place. I'll likely not be able to make the meeting but I'll definitely make my feelings known. Maybe it's for the "not for locals" Silverburn shoppers to drop the kids off whilst they indulge in retail therapy and generic coffee for a couple of hours.

I recall the original skate park in Kelvingrove many years ago - a passing phase bigged up by the tragically hip on the east side of the Square. Like the graffiti ridden 'skate park' at the lower end of Queens Park Rec which was referred to as "young peoples art" by one of the elite :roll:

I just wish we could retain some semblance of the city that does not require commercialisation, bastardising nor pillaging in the pursuit of greed, glory or ego (and all that without rose tinted specs :))


Re: Pollok Park site for "Go Ape" centre.... just say NO!!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 12:01 pm
by Sharon
Mixed feelings on this, as I do like parks to remain parks etc. But having been to the go ape centre at callendar i an say it is suprisingly uninvasive, isnt noisy apart form occassional screams, and is thouroughly good fun if a little terrifying at times (im not good with heights!) but the zipline over the valley was utterly fly!!! Id totally recommend a visit!.

Practically speaking, it would involve fencing being put around the base of a few trees, the rest stays high, and the park stays open nothing closed off, apart from the base of trees. So arguably it could be introducing a fun and challenging thing into the park. But, it certainly wasnt free!

Re: Pollok Park site for "Go Ape" centre.... just say NO!!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 1:52 pm
by Bingo Bango
So will there be monkeys there?

if so - yes please, if not - piss off with your play park rides!

Re: Pollok Park site for "Go Ape" centre.... just say NO!!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:16 pm
by jim
We cant let this happen (only found out about it this morning!)!!! Pollok Park is unique. Its a huge green lung, full of fast-disappearing wildlife. But more than that it is about the ongoing privatisation of public space. We are watched and fenced and told what to do all the time, Pollok Park is one of the few places within the city that enables you to escape. Fuckers, I new they would get around to vandalising it one day.

Re: Pollok Park site for "Go Ape" centre.... just say NO!!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 3:16 pm
by Blueboy
Sharon wrote:Mixed feelings on this, as I do like parks to remain parks etc. But having been to the go ape centre at callendar i an say it is suprisingly uninvasive, isnt noisy apart form occassional screams, and is thouroughly good fun if a little terrifying at times (im not good with heights!) but the zipline over the valley was utterly fly!!! Id totally recommend a visit!.

Practically speaking, it would involve fencing being put around the base of a few trees, the rest stays high, and the park stays open nothing closed off, apart from the base of trees. So arguably it could be introducing a fun and challenging thing into the park. But, it certainly wasnt free!

I think the issue here is whether Pollok park is an appropriate location for a theme park considering:

- Contravention of the intended use of the lands bequeathed by The Maxwell family;
- The uniquely rural biosphere within the City boundary;
- The slow, relentless degradation of the park beginning with the construction of the M77;

Let's keep Pollok Park activities education centred where youngsters can learn about the local wildlife, history and how they can help safeguard it's future for generations to come. Sliding down a rope with a bag of chips is best left to monkeys. Anyway, do we need another Monkey theme park ? - there's already one at Aberfoyle (45 minutes drive from Glasgow).


Re: Pollok Park site for "Go Ape" centre.... just say NO!!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 8:54 pm
by Nanny Ogg
From the plans pictured above (Smartalex), it looks like it's more than just the base of trees being fenced off, it appears to be a larger area all together. That's what I object to the most.
Sharon is right about there not being that much noise, I checked out the YouTube link on the save pollock park website and it all seemed a bit tame, and not very busy either.

The fact it's supposed to be a public park, and they haven't canvassed the parks users about the intended use, is the point that I will be objecting.

Re: Pollok Park site for "Go Ape" centre.... just say NO!!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:26 pm
by Sharon
Introducing a commercial venture into the park, any park really, goes against the intended use, a place open to everyone and that really should be the end of it. slippy slope etc...

For those that still dont know what its all about it would be a series of 30ft rope ladders up tree to ziplines and aerial walkways (wobbly ones with moving bits), not exactly theme park rollercoasters and happily no actual monkeys. ::):

Re: Pollok Park site for "Go Ape" centre.... just say NO!!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 10:07 pm
by Fossil
are we all going team handed to this?

Re: Pollok Park site for "Go Ape" centre.... just say NO!!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:23 am
by jim
See you there

Re: Pollok Park site for "Go Ape" centre.... just say NO!!

PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 5:42 pm
by viceroy
I've sent an email formally objecting to the planning application for this development, with a copy to my local councillor. Some of you may have done this as well. But if you haven't already done this and want to, you need to be quick because I understand the closing date for objections is this week, perhaps even tomorrow. See the Save Pollok Park website for details.