Boredom Thread: What advert drives you insane?

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Boredom Thread: What advert drives you insane?

Postby DMcNay » Mon Jun 21, 2004 3:18 pm

Adverts. We know they're shite. But which one makes you want to pull your hair at the sheer stupidity of it?

For me, it's the hair gel one set in some sort fo factory where the new gel makes th edummies come to life. What the f*&%$ is that all about?

Almost as bad as the studio line one where the guy has ridiculous hair that keeps changing shape.

What is it about hair gel adverts?

And why do these adverts with celebrities feel the need to have a caption telling you who they are. I KNOW it's Claudia Schiffer! You don't need to tell me!

Don't get me started on the loan company ones. Although, that reminds me of something. You know the guy that does Dial For A Loan? He used to prevent my works in-house TV stuff. But I get the feeling that when my work (Can I tell you the name? *cough*HBOS*cough*) found out about his loan company endorsement, he may have been swiftly replaced....
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Postby skintobalinto » Mon Jun 21, 2004 3:36 pm

The adverts I'd love to punch the f*@*er, the elephant .com and the admiral adverts they really bug the sh*t out of me.

also personal injury claim and re-finance ads

There splean vented.
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Postby Fossil » Mon Jun 21, 2004 4:36 pm

yes car credit..F**k off

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Postby duncan » Mon Jun 21, 2004 4:57 pm

"quote me happy" - whatever that's for

most car adverts, especially if they show five 20-something models apparently having a party in the car as they drive around the empty streets of Barcelona city centre (or something similar). that never happens, and i suspect they either use midgets or an extra-large car to make it look roomy

any advert where use of Product X results in vast improvement in quality of life, or some other fabrication. e.g. shampoo ads that show a woman apparently orgasming, it's that good!

similarly, all those ads for wimmin's beauty products with pseudo-science, e.g. "ShampooX's micro-bio-microbiodes improve shininess by 200%"


.... the list goes on
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Postby monthebiffy » Mon Jun 21, 2004 6:03 pm

The Fairy advert with Ainsley Harriot, specifically the bit when he says "nature's cleansers" in a smug voice after squeezing some lemon juice on his hands.
The latest Hyundai one makes me want to smash my TV too, the one with Clive Tyldsley commentating on a guy driving a car like it's a football game. Hate it. :evil:
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Postby My Kitten » Mon Jun 21, 2004 6:59 pm

duncan wrote:"quote me happy" - whatever that's for
similarly, all those ads for wimmin's beauty products with pseudo-science, e.g. "ShampooX's micro-bio-microbiodes improve shininess by 200%"

yeah, isn't it funny how the latest wimmins beauty gimmick contains "Boswellox" gave me a chuckle that one cos it is all boswellox!

Its like those wimmins ads that have scientifically proven then in small print sample of 44 women!!!!!
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Postby turbozutek » Mon Jun 21, 2004 11:01 pm

The Modern Fossil wrote:yes car credit..F**k off


I had a 'yes!' car once.

It was a complete heap of sh!te.

And the repayments were a rip off.

Nothing gave me more satisfaction than handing it BACK, and saying 'No'* to 'Yes!' ::):


*I also told them to fvck right off.
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Postby Speedbird » Mon Jun 21, 2004 11:39 pm

The Churchill adverts and all the adverts for car insurance, cars, personal claims, mentioned above and more.

I have not seen one recently, but I absolutely hate the adverts that show a car speeding along under or round very big things that are about to fall onto it, or have just crashed onto the road in front of it.
Surely it is not up to the car as to whether it gets out in one piece, but the skill (and luck) of the driver??
I doubt some old Granny or ditherer would get out.
As an improvement, why not have something hit the car, and see how safe it is and how well it copes in the situation!?

The car adverts saying you will be too proud of it (or something like that) as well.

The other advert that really REALLY annoyed me, was that Heat magazine advert with with possibly the most obnoxious woman ever, doing it.
You could tell she had been in that office WAY to long.

The adverts I generally like are ones that they typically only ever show once or twice, which is annoying in itself.

I used to like the Irn Bru ones as well, and they at least lasted a while.

'even though I used to be a man!.....'
etc etc.
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Postby scotia47 » Mon Jun 21, 2004 11:40 pm

Let me think...

All of Gap's ads. Just something about them that rubs me the wrong way.

Ditto with all of Levi's ads. I think Ant & Dec did that running through the wall thing much, much better.

That "First Alternative" ad, with that bimbo repeatedly squawking "I'm NOT your sister, dummy!". I think the obvious answer is, "DUUUHHH!"

They seem to have stopped now (thankfully), but I couldn't stand those Samsung ads with people saying "sung, sung, sung, sung" etc. in the background. Really got on my tits.

Ditto with the Carte'dor (sp?) ads. I liked the one with the cook in the submarine, but I hated the other two. I mean, how many women would chuck guys out of houses or moving cars just because the dessert wasn't up to scratch? (OK, probably a lot but still...)

I also hate the "quote me happy" ones. Who doesn't?

What REALLY pisses me off is when companies import adverts from the States, then insult your intelligence by having all the actors' voices redubbed with English ones. What, have Yanks started speaking some weird, gobbledegook language indecipherable to anyone livng on this side of the pond? I think not. Cuplrits include:

Leap Frog (makers of infant learning aids).

Nestle (the Cheerios one, where the dad is apparently talking about football formations. In reality, it won't be the kind of football we're used to).

McDonalds (that new one for the reduced-salt Chicken McNuggets).

Infomercials for the likes of that abdomen-vibrating-belt-thingy. Has anyone ever actually bought one?

And there's probably a few more that I'm too annoyed to think of just now. At least Garnier and Maybelline haven't seen the need to go along with that retarded practice.
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Postby PlasticDel » Mon Jun 21, 2004 11:43 pm

What about these bloody dusters that you plant onto the end of a stick, to clean up your wood flooring and stuff. Pretty much, any advert for polish or flash or somthing like that. Use it then chuck it away, some friend of the enviroment that. "Bleach soaked wipes for your toilet seat, just flush em away!" Shut up!

How dirty are those houses. It's an inch thick before demented Mr Sheen blows it somewhere else with his bloody bi-plane!!! Or some chick 'dusts' under the table. Black bams! Bath tubs are made too look like they've been sitting in fields of shite before "flash does the hard work!"

P!ss off!

Incidentally I hate nappy adverts! I hate nappies! Eugh! Any finance advert should die! Adverts should be more like that gay quiz one for Sky One! that was funny. Things like that, zany! Please no more guilt trips too!
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Postby scotia47 » Mon Jun 21, 2004 11:45 pm

Speedbird wrote:I used to like the Irn Bru ones as well, and they at least lasted a while.

'even though I used to be a man!.....'
etc etc.

They were back on not that long ago. Seem to have disappeared again. :(

Oh yeah, thought of another ad I hate. Lion Eggs. Who the hell leaves their fridge THAT bare?!

Plus Flash, Mr Muscle etc. What kind of right-minded individual lets their kitchen/bathroom surfaces get that filthy before doing something about it? :evil:

PlasticDel wrote:Incidentally I hate nappy adverts!

Agreed. When was real pish ever blue? Plus, I'm fairly sure that a few of the nappie ads are also redubbed imports (from countries that already speak English).
Last edited by scotia47 on Mon Jun 21, 2004 11:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby PlasticDel » Mon Jun 21, 2004 11:49 pm

Besides when mygirlfriend lived with me and I was watching (for example) a documentary about the war on Ch5, I always told her to shut up and speak through the adverts.

Man I really hated adverts even more then!!! Usually I went to the pot!

yeah I'm a cruel bastard! So what???
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Postby turbozutek » Tue Jun 22, 2004 3:14 am

Know what I hate ??? Worse than any other advert ever ??

Cue the stupid looking 'housewife' to tell us that:

Life demands Dettox - and that's a fact.

Here are some other facts:

1. No it fvcking doesn't! Life has been around long before Dettox and will continue long after Dettox has gone.

2. Childhood asthma is up %60 in the last 20 years.. Why ?? Spotlessly clean houses. No dust, no grime. Our immune systems now attack ANYTHING and EVERYTHING and our health suffers.

3. Dettox has a high amount of PollyParabens and is a b!tch to manufacture - a lot of CFC's produced... And then it gets tipped down the sink to end up in the food chain somewhere.

So, makers of Dettox - I would like to invite you cordially to stick it right up your ar5e.



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Postby DMcNay » Tue Jun 22, 2004 7:32 am

I knew this thread would be fun..... :)
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Postby Sharon » Tue Jun 22, 2004 9:48 am

The one I hated more han words can even come close to descibibing was the old AOL adverts...and not even because it was AOL...but ...

the smug, ginger, bitch..."Holly" ....oh man how i would still like to have the satisaction of smacking the bint one....

...its been pulled die to overt smugness for about a year now...and she still pisses me off!
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