They F*** you up

Moderators: John, Sharon, Fossil, Lucky Poet, crusty_bint, Jazza, dazza

Postby mrlipring » Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:58 pm

paladin wrote:Indeed I have complained/raised the issue with Sharon........Pending.

Good. I hope something gets sorted either way, because at the moment the situation is making several people look silly.

What is flaming?

childish namecalling and bickering. Often just for the sake of starting an argument.

Btw, the thread title is 'They F*** you up', which is what the Moderators do to anyone who gives them an issue that requires a reasonable explanation, which in my case is over the deletion of a number of posts that defies belief and as yet there seems to be no definitive reply.....other than they were 'off topic'.

Whether that's the case or not, do you have to bang on about it all the time?

Meanwhile it seems that it has become open season for the Moderators to try and discredit me due to their lack of communication skills and diplomacy.
If it's boring, Mrlipring, don't read it, but then don't be suprised when you are the subject of the same treatment.
They delete anything that 'they' don't 'The Bestest Mod on HG' thread, which was a bit of fun.

The problem is i HAVE to bloody read it, because it's ongoing in several threads.

I love coming here and (primarily) seeing photos of glasgow, and the stories some of us tell are priceless, but the amount of pish being posted taking threads off-topic is silly. It ruins a forum. Eventually it'll get to a point where nobody will bother posting stuff, because a discussion will become pointless due to being taken off topic, and the forum will be left entirely to you, turbozutek and crusty_bint to moan at each other.

Why does it have to be public? Why not deal with it by PM?

Come back george, all is forgiven...
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Postby paladin » Sat Jul 02, 2005 6:06 pm

mrlipring wrote:
What is flaming?

childish namecalling and bickering. Often just for the sake of starting an argument.

I haven't called anyone any name that is not their own or that someone else has already called yes I am an amateur at 'flaming'.
But then if I wanted to call someone something, I would do it to their face.

Apologies, if it has become boring and that this issue of deleted posts has been spread over a few threads.......but that situation is not of my making or choice.
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Postby The_Clincher » Sat Jul 02, 2005 6:14 pm

Hell, if ya can't get along, let's get it onnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Postby dazza » Sat Jul 02, 2005 8:01 pm

Oooh, the banter!
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Postby DMcNay » Sat Jul 02, 2005 8:16 pm

I just wasted ten minutes of my life reading this pish, and I know pish. I post most of it.

One of you cunts owes me ten minutes.
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Postby skintobalinto » Sat Jul 02, 2005 9:20 pm

Oh well, if one good thing has come out of this it is that I didn't realise that you could be hidden. I have now come out.


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Postby Pgcc93 » Sat Jul 02, 2005 9:39 pm

skintobalinto wrote:Oh well, if one good thing has come out of this it is that I didn't realise that you could be hidden.



Uch! thats just for the shitebags that are too feart to stand up and be counted! ::):
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Postby turbozutek » Sat Jul 02, 2005 9:49 pm

Couple of things:

1. Mods can see who is hidden. (No big deal)

2. No one locked this thread in the early stages because, basically we wanted to see how much shite could be talked in one day.

Gentlemans, a new record.

Ok, one other thing to remember:

Mods are NOT your mum and dad, we ain't PAID to put up with any bullshit - all this 'eeehhh your a mod, you should be like Jesus!!' crap doesn't wash. You don't stop an argument / discussion mid way in real life and hence we try not to here either.

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Postby DMcNay » Sat Jul 02, 2005 9:52 pm

And on that note: leave the pointless shite posts to an expert.

Now, let's cremulate!

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Postby Fossil » Sat Jul 02, 2005 9:53 pm

turbozutek wrote:
'eeehhh your a mod, you should be like Jesus!!'



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