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PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 2:24 pm
by purplegrum
That's on their basic package, which I'm not on.

Don't have a download limit yet although they plan to introduce one of 15GB/month in the first quarter of 2005 on my package but that's when my years contract is up anyway and I'm thinking of changing. The quality of the connection with BT is good, but I think I can probably get the same for less with some other provider.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 3:35 am
by mrlipring
turbozutek wrote:Do BT not levy a manditory download limit of 1G a month ?

Fuck that - I'd use 1G in about a three days.


I wouldn't use a limited service just on principle, but i'd use a gig in 4 hours, so they'd boot me. :)

In a month i use the equivalent of 20 years' allowance of 1gb/month. fine for online gaming or email though. I reckon it'd be pushing it for even a medium web user though. that's 30MB/day.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 8:06 am
by skintobalinto
Wanadoo 1Meg Results


934 Kbps (116.8 KB/sec) 1008 Kbps (inc. overheads)


241 Kbps (30.1 KB/sec) 260 Kbps (inc. overheads)

2Gb monthly limit, but they do not enforce it yet. They will let me know when they do.


PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 12:26 am
by DMcNay
If I managed to do this test correctly:

Downstream 962 Kbps (120.3 KB/sec)
Upstream 121 Kbps (15.1 KB/sec)

Is that good?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 5:16 pm
by crazygray23
im on btyahoo 512k my connection is good up to an hour or so then it slows down then pages wont load then it fucks up completely :? part is bt says theres nowt wrong with my line.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 12:29 pm
by teclo
This is my work connection, I'll do my house connection tonight if someone reminds me.

Downstream 1517 Kbps (189.6 KB/sec) 1638 Kbps (inc. overheads)
Upstream 2627 Kbps (328.4 KB/sec) 2837 Kbps (inc. overheads)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 7:45 pm
by mrlipring
Tested the connection at work, we're getting about 3mbit each way.

I just wanna take this opportunity to rip the IT dudes to shreds. I LOVE sypware guys, (specially when we deal with people's bank details, etc...) and Internet Explorer is the best thing ever.

Admin rights are set to not allow us plebs to install any software, so no Firefox or spybot for me. I guess i COULD suggest these, but they'd probably tell me that it was my fault there's spyware (started on monday chaps, your pcs were fucked already), and that IE is the bestest ever ever ever.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 10:58 pm
by purplegrum
The second you start giving users the right to install software you loose complete control of the situation, plus users phone up wanting help for software that shouldn't be on their system in the first place.

Don't rip us to shreds, we're just doing our job like everybody else.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 6:15 pm
by mrlipring
Thing is, if the IT guys did their jobs and kept the pcs in shape, i wouldn't have need to complain. They're not all the same, i know, but these ones (this one? Only ever seen one guy) is an idiot.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 8:50 pm
by Apollo
Wanadoo 1M

Downstream 921 Kbps
Upstream 245 Kbps

Thought I'd drop this in since I'm just of the phone letting them know I was going to tell everyone NOT to use them cos they're crooks.

While the connection may deliver what they say, their customer service rates 0 (that's zero for the unsure)

1. 7-10 day install took 6 weeks. They lost my first application after acknowledging it, so asked me to apply again. This one worked, but they forgot to notify BT to activate it (yes, they started blaming each other with me in the middle).

2. Because they screwed the initial install, I complained and they waived the first month (yeh, right, the one they hadn't installed it for) and they promised a refund of about £6 for the missing days from the month they did install. There's only one small problem. The only way to get any money back from Wanadoo is to apply in writing to their Head Office. They can't/won't credit your credit card.

3. Thanks to the dumb design of their web page, when they offered to upgrade existing users to their 1 M service (which was 512k) looking at it to see the terms meant you clicked a Next button that had no warning or cancel option and commited you to the upgrade whether you wanted it or not, at an upgrade charge of £20. Despite calling the service and technical departments, and getting 2 confirmation emails, this service was activated and charged to me.

4. Remember 2? Yes, you guessed it! Now that they've charged me for the upgrade, the only way to get a refund is to start writing to Head Office. Interstingly, the only invoice I can't view online is the one with the extra charge on it.

If this isn't close to legalised theft, I don't know what is. I'm almost tempted to call my solicitor and ask if it's worth taking some sort of action out against them, but for £26??? (Think what they'd be able to do if I owed them £26!)

As noted in a post above, the only good thing that came out of it was when I told them I wished I had gone to Tesco, the wee voice at the end of the phone said the the 2 GB download limit wasn't enforced, and all that happened was an email was sent if you exceeded it.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:28 pm
by skintobalinto
I'm sorry to hear that Apollo,

I had the opposite experience, I ordered mine online on the Sunday, received the kit on the Wednesday on was online on the Thursday. Saying that I have never had to call their helpline. I had to call the BT one once and was in a queue for 1 hour 20 mins to cancel my BT openworld subscription.

I upgraded as well and apart from having to shell out an extra £20 one off fee everything went well.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:41 pm
by skintobalinto
PC's are a tool provided by the company, and usually work fine doing the job for which they are provided. Most problems are caused by users fafing (Technical Term) about with them. Locked down models go someway towards preventing this. I know it sounds draconian but It does prevent a lot of problems. The company is responsible for the software on the PC and the amount of people I used to see installing software on their work PC thinking "It's alright It's my software from home" or "I got it of the cover of a magazine"

Be nice to IT staff we are not the devils offspring, most of us like to helpfull, Honest
