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Re: Latest project, 1967 VW beetle restoration.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 10:25 pm
by Delmont St Xavier
I don't usually post on here nowadays preferring to be an observer than a contributor but this is by far the most intriguing and addictive thread to pass this way for a long time! I have been logging in on a daily basis to see the progress of this restoration and probably like everyone else, desperate to see the end result.

Re: Latest project, 1967 VW beetle restoration.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 12:42 pm
by Doorstop
Delmont St Xavier wrote:I don't usually post on here nowadays preferring to be an observer than a contributor but this is by far the most intriguing and addictive thread to pass this way for a long time! I have been logging in on a daily basis to see the progress of this restoration and probably like everyone else, desperate to see the end result.

I've said as much myself (although nowhere near as eloquently) .. thoroughly engrossing thread.

Re: Latest project, 1967 VW beetle restoration.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:12 pm
by BTJustice
Cheers guys. I was unsure when I started the thread about it being of interest to anybody here so I am really glad it has found an audience.

I have filmed each stage of the upholstery process to make a similar video to the engine build but now that its finished I have 540 video clips to edit together so may take a while to make.

Hope to have more updates soon, may be going down to the workshop to collect wheels for powder coating tomorrow so will post when I have the next update.

Cheers for sticking with it,


Re: Latest project, 1967 VW beetle restoration.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 12:02 pm
by RDR
Got to agree with everyone else this has been a great thread to follow and can't wait to see the finished article.

Re: Latest project, 1967 VW beetle restoration.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 3:26 pm
by banjo
see it...............I want taken for a spin in it.not been in a beetle since 1980. :D

Re: Latest project, 1967 VW beetle restoration.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 4:27 pm
by BTJustice
::): Maybe I should get it added to the doors open day list banjo.

Re: Latest project, 1967 VW beetle restoration.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 8:32 am
by BTJustice
I had an email from Ed last night. I dont really have words to explain what was in it other than WOW! Have a look;






Thats out the gun, still to be sanded and buffed but looks great.


Re: Latest project, 1967 VW beetle restoration.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 8:01 pm
by Boxer6
That looks brilliant Dave.

Getting very keen to see it finished now, as you are too no doubt.

Re: Latest project, 1967 VW beetle restoration.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 7:33 pm
by BTJustice
I managed to get an afternoon up at Ed's yesterday to get some bits and bobs done.

First up was the rotten torsion bar covers at the back.


Really rotten;


New ones on (I wouldnt have chosen chrome ones but I had them in the shed from somewhere so used them);


Both sides were as bad but luckily all the bolts freed off without trouble. If you have ever tried removing these while crouched under a rear wing you will know why I was keen to swap them before the body went back on.

While up there I also fitted the new starter motor, new heater cables, steering damper and collected these;


This morning I dug out a fifth wheel from the garden;


And they have been dropped off at Powdertec in tradeston so should be shiny and new looking when I get them back.


Re: Latest project, 1967 VW beetle restoration.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 10:13 pm
by BTJustice
I almost forgot, I had a further update from Ed through the week.

Johnny is now at stage 4 of his multi stage finishing on the shell,and hopes it will be done by next week.
Stage 1; wet sanded by hand with 2000 grit.


Stage 2; machine sanded using 2000grit


Stage 3 ; machine sanded using 3000 grit


Stage 4 ;machine polished using G6


Still a couple more stages to go ,but looking nice.

All being well I am heading down tomorrow to do some bits and bobs so will update if I do anything significant.


Re: Latest project, 1967 VW beetle restoration.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:15 pm
by BTJustice
Here are 2 days of updates from Sunday and Monday. There was a delay in processing the pictures due to the downpipe falling off the Golf on the M77 on the way home on Monday night but thats fixed now so on with the update.

Sunday afternoon I headed to Ed's with my paint brush and did a LOT of wire brushing to here;


And here;


Which meant I could swap the wire brush for a paint brush and get the front and back of the chassis looking shiny;



Also gave the floor pans a scuff up on the inside to let Ed spray them in Gloss black when he gets a chance.

I also got to see the shell with my own eyes.....Wow.


This is a wee video to show the shine (click the pic for video);

ImageFester is getting there. by Dave Campbell, on Flickr

That was where I left it on Sunday then on Monday night I was back with the engine thanks to Mark and his Mk2 Caddy pick up;


While I was there on Monday Johnny was back polishing the shell so it looked even shinier than it did in Sundays video clip.

Re: Latest project, 1967 VW beetle restoration.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 8:16 pm
by BTJustice
And the updates are coming thick and fast now.

All the polishing is complete on the body shell and it shines like a snooker ball;



Inside surface of the pans now matches and the brake master cylinder, new copper pipes and floor pan seals are in place.


Wont be long now before the body goes back on the pans.

Re: Latest project, 1967 VW beetle restoration.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 8:49 pm
by BTJustice
Wouldnt you know it, 20 minutes after updating the thread I had an email from Ed.

Mr floor pan, meed Mrs body shell;


Its not on there permenantly yet, still needs bolted down but it is great to see.

Re: Latest project, 1967 VW beetle restoration.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:14 am
by Delmont St Xavier
It looks absolutely amazing!

Knowing nothing about building cars or restoring them, how much more do you have to do? Looking at the pictures it's obvious that you still have the windows, interiors and such to put in but suddenly it dawned on me - the electrics! So, you'll still have a fair amount to get done but it's progressed well.

I can't see the 'video' but I've been logging in daily to see the progress of this project, totally hooked!

Re: Latest project, 1967 VW beetle restoration.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 6:38 pm
by BTJustice
Cheers Delmont, glad you are sticking with it.

As you say, there is still a lot left to do and the old saying goes that the last 20% of the restoration takes 80% of the time.

Up until now its all been big bits. To put the doors on will be 4 screws but each door needs seals, 1/4 lights, 1/4 light seals, outer scrapers, inner scrapers, felt channels and clips, glass, winder mechanism locks, handles, inner panels etc so lots of fiddling and all while making sure not to scratch the new paint.

Im heading down on Sunday with the correct bolts to secure the body to the floor pan then I need to get my wallet out and order up a lot of the fiddly bits and seals. The seals for the doors will probably run to £400 or more so its surprising how all the little bits add up and cost a fortune.
