Making more space on D drive

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Making more space on D drive

Postby War Baby » Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:01 am

I only have 10% space left on my D drive. If I go to Start on my computer, and in the Search box, type in temp, a large list of hundreds of temp files come up. Can I delete these without crashing my computer? Will it give me more space on D drive? I am using Firefox on Windows Vista. I have already tried Clean-ups and defraging for both C drive and D drive, and this only helped a little. I suspect that it is the temp files causing the problem.
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Re: Making more space on D drive

Postby John » Mon Apr 15, 2013 3:12 pm

War Baby wrote:I only have 10% space left on my D drive. If I go to Start on my computer, and in the Search box, type in temp, a large list of hundreds of temp files come up. Can I delete these without crashing my computer? Will it give me more space on D drive? I am using Firefox on Windows Vista. I have already tried Clean-ups and defraging for both C drive and D drive, and this only helped a little. I suspect that it is the temp files causing the problem.

Can you be more specific and give details of the file extensions and the folder/s the files are located within?
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Re: Making more space on D drive

Postby War Baby » Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:36 pm

Couldn't tell you the answer to that. The technical side of computing is something I have never been able to understand.
There are two things I could do: One is to delete the files that come up when I type in "temp". The second way might be
to get a Clean-up tool which goes through the files, selecting only the ones which are safe to delete.

I know that some people have deleted these temp files themselves and regretted it.

I looked around a few Forums which had people discussing the deletion of files to make space, and twice I saw someone advising someone else that it was okay, then the next post had someone else replying "Please don't advice anyone to delete these files etc etc..." So, I don't really know who to believe.
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Re: Making more space on D drive

Postby Josef » Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:17 pm

So. What size is the D drive in the first place? And what are you using it for?

If it's for photos and documents and the like, just buy an external drive and move them to that. Whilst not quite as cheap as chips, external storage is certainly getting that way.
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Re: Making more space on D drive

Postby John » Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:14 am

I only asked because it is generally unusual for Windows to create temp files on the D drive unless you have made a technical change to force it to do so.
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Re: Making more space on D drive

Postby War Baby » Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:09 pm

The capacity for the D drive is 11.4 GB and I have only 2.01 GB left....that is my worry. On C drive, the capacity is 28 GB and I have 21.4 left. Maybe the D drive will never dip much below 2.00 GB because it may be deleting old files, but I don't know this for sure.
Regarding these files/folders I have seen ... most of them have the letters temp but there are others in amongst them, so, because of that I think a Clean up tool, which selects to delete only files I don't need is required. I think there is one named REGZOOKA, which is well recommended.
I use the computer for Family Tree research. ....But I have just had a look again at those files, and some begin lpksetup and is a Text document, and there is one 0000006b File using 21,311 KB. And if I type into the Search box Temp instead of temp, a different lot come up, many beginning WER...
I can also see birth, death and marriage certs and photos, which I scanned to Pictures, then uploaded to the Tree. I am able to delete these one at a time, without them disappearing from where I need them to be - on the relevant profile pages of my family tree. But there is an awful lot of stuff that I can't identify at all.
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Re: Making more space on D drive

Postby HelenD » Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:02 pm

Those are unusualy sizes for a drive and quite small, so it sounds like an older system with a single drive that's been paritioned.

28 + 11.4 = 39.4 which sounds like it might be a 40GB drive. I bought a system with one of these in in June 2001 and it came with Windows ME installed. It sounds like it may have been upgraded a couple of times over the years.

The C drive is just over half full which should mean it will run happily enough but the D drive is becoming choked. I'll go with Josef's recommendation and suggest you get an external hard drive. It shouldn't be expensive if you get one of the smaller ones. You're only dealing with small amounts of data.

If the case is large enough, there may be room to install an extra hard drive and you could put 500GB in there easily enough.
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Re: Making more space on D drive

Postby HelenD » Fri Apr 19, 2013 7:49 pm

It occurs to me that an older machine may not have the ability to use the newer, larger hard drives. I had trouble getting a laptop of 2006 vintage to use a 320GB drive not so long ago and had to make do with 160GB. Also USB specifications may have changed too.
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Re: Making more space on D drive

Postby hungryjoe » Sun Apr 28, 2013 11:57 am

C Cleaner is a great wee tool for getting rid of stuff left behind when files have been deleted. It's free and should clean up some of the crap on your drives.
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Re: Making more space on D drive

Postby edward carolan » Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:53 pm

Isn't the D: drive the recovery partition that the operating system puts on your C: drive. Unless you have two hard drives or have installed a solid state(albeit a very small one). What you are seeing is the recovery partition which will restore your operating system should it go pear-shaped in the future. You can run CCleaner and defrag the D: drive, but that partition has usually 10% free space so that it has some redundancy. If you are short of storage memory you can get a 16Gb flash drive for less than £10
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Re: Making more space on D drive

Postby Josef » Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:06 pm

edward carolan wrote:Isn't the D: drive the recovery partition that the operating system puts on your C: drive.


You can make it that if you want, though. Personally, I always partion the drive of a new machine.
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