Larkhall Line

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thread check..

Postby sheepdug » Sun Nov 13, 2005 8:43 pm

Check out the thread on Black Lady of Broomhill House Larkhall.

Cheers !
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Postby Alycidon » Mon Nov 14, 2005 7:44 am

This chap has been running a comprehensive photo record of the Larkhall line reconstruction work. Photographs at
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Postby nuttytigger » Tue Nov 15, 2005 2:31 pm

the larkhall line will open on the 12th december, monday to saturday, and i´ll be the first person on it :).

p.s hows the weather in scotland? i´m in Gran Canaria at the moment and its my 21st birthday today!!!
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Postby dazed_and_confused » Tue Nov 15, 2005 2:52 pm

It's strangely sunny today actually. Makes a change eh? Probably not as nice as Gran Canaria mind you. Happy 21st! :D
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Postby Pittsburgh » Wed Nov 16, 2005 11:23 am

I was wondering if anyone ever got any picture of the old Larkhall Viaduct. Reading about it brought back old memories. We used to spend our lunchtimes from school down there, playing on what we called the "catwalk" It was a gantry type walkway that took you from one side to another running undernear the viaduct. You could walk on the top of each support and climb the ladders, where they still exsisted, up to the top level when the tracks once were. At the centre of the viaduct it was real nose bleed territory.

We had to "leg it" on more than one occasion from the "polis". Anyone who has visited the Viaduct will know that it is not in the best of repair, which led to a few hairy situations with people having to make mad grabs to stay on the catwalk. I read that someone had fallen recently, it really made me realise how lucky, or is that stupid?, that we were!
Is it was still possible to get on the catwalk, or have the neds made it a no go area. I remember a great rope swing that was near the start of it.

We used to get our lunch from Greggs and jump the wall to get down to the old railways station, soon to be the new railway station, and walk all the way along past the "coal yard", behind the leisure centre and then try not be seen by any teacher at the school going down to the Viaduct. We figured it was them that called to police, seeing that I never saw a police car on patrol in 18 years of living there!!
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Postby nuttytigger » Wed Nov 16, 2005 9:28 pm

Its still there but they have put big fences up now because its falling to bits. my mum and dad know the girl that fell from it,

i remember when i was in first year at Larkhall Academy that our P.E teachers used to make us run over it for cross country running, :), also up the 100 steps, which were underneath it,

i also remember going on the catwalk when i was younger, scary days!!!
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Postby Pittsburgh » Sat Nov 19, 2005 8:00 pm

Talking about the railway, did you ever go through the tunnel at the "Cundy" It is at the woods at the bottom of the golf course. It runs under the motorway. The first half of it is from a old railway that ran in that area, then it dog legs into the new tunnel which was built with the motorway. I think it was the line that ran from Netherburn and Ashgill.
It would bring you out on next to the sewerage treatment plant, and if you followed the stream the rest of the way, you would end up down at the Clyde. It was a cool tunnel, it is about 4-5 feet high and you were almost certain to bang you head at least once!! We spent many a night running about those woods both sides of the Motorway. I haven't been down there in about 12 years, so I wonder if they ever fenced it off.
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Postby nuttytigger » Sat Nov 19, 2005 10:12 pm

no but i have been down there, used to sit on a big green pipe with with my friends, we got down there another way tho, thru the swing park at the end of the golf course, following the wee burn.

any ideas why they built a new tunnel with the motorway?
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Postby Pittsburgh » Sat Nov 19, 2005 11:33 pm

That's the place!! The entrance was just underneath that pipe. There was a metal graille over it with a few bars missing. Thats how we got in. Was it still open when you went down. I remember they built a new fence around the sewage works to keep us out.
We looked a few maps and it looks like they had to extend the pipe when they built the motorway. The old railway line ran where some of the motorway now is.
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Postby nuttytigger » Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:58 am

i cant remember if it was still open when we went down, too busy trying to push each other off the pipe, :)!

when i went past the was we used to get there a couple of weeks ago its completly overgrown now, but i don't know if u still can get in from the golf course.

p.s - how did u get on to it from the golf course?
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Postby nuttytigger » Tue Nov 22, 2005 6:09 pm

just found a pic from the top of the viaduct - taken bout a year and a half ago.

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Postby HollowHorn » Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:34 pm

Yikes! Here comes Carol Thatcher Image
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Postby nuttytigger » Tue Nov 22, 2005 11:35 pm

:), here is the larkhall line at the same time:


now it has a nice track and also trains have been on it, this is also a pic of two trains in the station:

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Postby nuttytigger » Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:26 pm

Well thats the larkhall line now officaly opened by Jack McConnell, wel it wont be open for passengers till Monday (12/12) didn't get any pictures as they started the opening early, but we did get a video of the first train pulling out of the station,
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Postby james73 » Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:43 pm

Three pages worth of pictures here:

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