EVENT: Dowsing the Molendinar Burn

Moderators: John, Sharon, Fossil, Lucky Poet, crusty_bint, Jazza, dazza

Postby Pgcc93 » Mon Mar 01, 2004 12:28 pm

Yep! great day out and the weather was a bonus too 8)

I'll need to oil up my zimmer for the next outing!.
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Postby jim » Wed Mar 10, 2004 9:45 am

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Postby cataclyzm » Sat Mar 13, 2004 2:11 pm


Is that really a genuine image, or enhanced?

If it is genuine, I've never seen a better image of multiple orbs anywhere. Can we really believe that orbs are spirits from t'other side, or just flash anomolies and particles over exposures in the frame?
Everyone who has photographed in the abandoned, will not doubt have images they have struggled to come to terms with in interpretation.

Robert Kelly.
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Postby John Nolan » Sat Aug 14, 2004 2:17 pm

Hi Jim:
I'm six months behind the times, but as you skirted Blackhill in the exporation of the Molendinar, here's what a stretch of it looked looked like 30 years ago, before it was buried (or, in this case, thankfully laid to rest) by a motorway.
The excerpt is from http://www.stephaniepiro.com/fc286.htm

....The houses (on Acrehill Street) lay in the shadow of Provan Gas Works, with its great hills of coke, and two enormous metallic grey gas-holders which rose or fell dependant upon the city’s demand for gas. Nearby, a chemical works poured acrid orange fumes over the glass-littered streets when the wind was from the west; a derelict whisky bond provided fuel, one night, for one of Glasgow’s more spectacular fires and charred remains for years after; abandoned railroad tracks snaked and rotted; and a smelly canal fed by a ditched stream (once known as the Molendinar Burn) held green water and the burned and blackened frames of stolen cars....

When ever I passed by the burn, if not recalling John Clare's verse (see above), I would sing the following:

"Oh, nothing could be finer than to see the Molendinar in the mo-o-orning
Ah really think ye oughter go and see that sparkling water in the mo-o-orning
There's a little stream flows through the Craighead Bond
Babbling oot o the Blackhill Pond ...
Oh, nothing, etc."
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