UFO sighting

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UFO sighting

Postby simply_ross » Tue Sep 30, 2003 10:17 am

1952 Joan Torrence was leaving Elder Park Primary (Govan) with her friends. It was 4pm, as they crossed the playground a dark shadow fell across the school. She looked up as did a crowd of pupils who seconds ago had been heading for home. what they saw brought them to an abrupt halt and has been etched in her mind ever since, a little above the school hung a disc shaped object tilted slightly and rotating teachers and a janitor also saw this.

Does anyone know about this are there any ex pupils from the school at that time pls let me know. thank's Ross
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Postby Caltonboy » Sat Mar 26, 2005 7:25 pm

i once saw a ufo on the road from blantyre to cambuslang, near dechmont firing range, it was 20years ago, and my friend and i ran like fuck, still hope it was a bad acid trip! though im sure it was straight at the time. 8O
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Postby crazygray23 » Thu Mar 31, 2005 2:54 pm

i had the pleasure of going to elder park primary but didnt see any rotating teachers 8O
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Postby deebers » Mon Apr 11, 2005 10:05 pm


I thought that too when I read it! Damn lack of punctuation!

I'm sure I saw a UFO over the Clyde - and my ex saw it too. It was certainly an unidentifiable "moving" object. It was a very pale disc which moved very fast in the night sky.

It was about 4 years ago and it was very early in the morning.

...and no, I wasn't drunk!
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Postby leper_2000 » Mon Apr 11, 2005 11:30 pm

wasnt some neds doing their version of clay pidgeon shooting using dustbin lids was it?

i thought i saw a silver disk at some point above the clyde or thereabouts streak across the sky when i was sitting on the window ledge of the 3rd floor of maclay once..
it was in the top left of my visual field and i only saw it for a couple of seconds so its already suspect as the sides of the visual field are most subject to disturbances.. aye alright, hallucinations..
wasnt on anything although i cant vouch entirely for my condition.
im always of the opinion that theres a reasonable explaination but it freaked me out for a few minutes. not entirely sure when it was but i think it was summertime in 2003.
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Postby crazygray23 » Mon Apr 18, 2005 7:39 pm

as well as going to elder park i also stayed in the tenaments facing it one night i looked out my window only to see a white circular light shining onto the playground i quite literally shit myself only to realise it was a police helecopter hovering above 8O
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Postby chas1937 » Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:15 pm

Here is pic i took on thursday night about 9pm and if you look at apex of roof then straight up you will see black shape.I havent clue what it is and have tried 1000% increase but all it seems to be is rectangle shape.Any answer would be appreciated. Chas1937
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Postby chas1937 » Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:18 pm

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Postby Flyingscot » Sat Aug 13, 2005 10:32 pm

That looks to be a banking plane to me...
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Postby chas1937 » Sun Aug 14, 2005 9:05 am

it certainly could be that as its over in airport direction
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Postby possilonian » Sun Aug 14, 2005 9:40 am

Hi All Although it is Cigar shaped, I believe it to be a Banking plane, when you really Enlarge the photo it seems to have a Tail [Right hand side of Cigar Shape] Cheers Possilonian
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Postby Vinny the Mackem » Sun Aug 14, 2005 9:55 am

I saw something once when I was about 9 living in Sunderland. Bascially it was a bright orange circle. As I looked out of my bedroom window (roughly looking west) this thing was right in front of me and over the old airport. This was a private airport so it certainly wasn't a commercial flight. Also, it was never used at night, the whole complex being lokked up long before dark. It stayed in the same position for about fifteen minutes. Some clouds flew by and, when the clouds moved away a few minutes later, it wasn't there.

Initially, despite wanting desperately for it to be a UFO, I put it down to the moon with some odd atmospheric conditions making the moon a funny colour.

However, there was a tiny report in the local rag a few days later or a woman who'd seen the same thing. Didn't really change my view until a while later when my dad thought about it more carefully. As inidcated, I was looking roughly west. The report came from a woman who, coinidentally, was driving roughly east. About five miles from where I was. The report from that woman indicated that the "object" was further east than my location. The upshot is that she was looking at this from one side and I was looking at it from the other. Meaning it was between us and therefore could not have been the moon!

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Postby ladylabobo » Tue Aug 23, 2005 9:37 pm

ive seen quite a few ufos - the most recent one was i think either earlier this year or summer last year. It was an odd orange light (and no it wasnt the sun!) hovering over what appeared to be either queens park or shawlands. I was driving up cathcart rd at the time and the buildings got in the way - as soon as i was in a position to see that part of the sky again, it had gone.

I saw another one the morning after my grad ball. A friend and I were wandering down Queen Margaret Drive towards Byres Rd and we saw this odd silvery shaped thing in the sky. It was about 7am (and i hadnt been drinking before anyone says anything) and we asked a taxi driver if he could see it too, which he could.

The first UFO I ever saw was when i was about 5 or 6 and living in Falkirk. This sentry box shaped thing was in the sky at about 4 or 5pm. I was walking to the shop for my mum (as we could do in those days) and this thing in the sky terrified me. I loved star gazing so it was odd that i was so scared. When I got home i showed my mum and she had all the neighbours out looking too. It stayed in the same position in the sky for hours moving continuously in a diamond shape.

Of course I did spend the first year of my life living in bonnybridge so maybe i was abducted and this is them checking up on me (j/k)
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Postby The Mighty R I D E » Tue Aug 30, 2005 8:43 pm

flyin saucers ma hole ::): you on the weed ya numpty
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Postby Pgcc93 » Wed Aug 31, 2005 4:03 pm

Rush hour this morning just before 9am something caught my eye hovering over the Kinning Park area. I took the pic near Eglinton Street before losing sight of it behind some buildings.

It was moving very slowly and was up quite high. Anyone else see it?


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