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Underground Town

PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 7:05 pm
by stinkpad
From the sunday times:,,2087-1849406,00.html

The Sunday Times October 30, 2005

For sale: Britain’s underground city
Maurice Chittenden

WELCOME to Cold War City (population: 4). It covers 240 acres and has 60 miles of roads and its own railway station. It even includes a pub called the Rose and Crown.

The most underpopulated town in Britain is being put on the market. But there will be no estate agent’s blurb extolling the marvellous views of the town for sale: true, it has a Wiltshire address, but it is 120ft underground.

The subterranean complex that was built in the 1950s to house the Conservative prime minister Harold Macmillan’s cabinet and 4,000 civil servants in the event of a Soviet nuclear attack is being thrown open to commercial use. Just four maintenance men are left.

Property developers looking for the ultimate place to get away from it all need not apply. The site has a notional value of £5m but there is a catch. It is available only as part of a private finance initiative that involves investing in the military base on the surface above.

Already two uses are being considered: a massive data store for City firms or the biggest wine cellar in Europe. More outlandish ideas put forward include a nightclub for rave parties, a 1950s theme park or a reception centre for asylum seekers. The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has ruled out any suggestion of using it to store nuclear waste or providing open public access because of the dangers that still lurk below.

The bunker is in a former mine near Corsham in Wiltshire where stone was once excavated to provide the fascias for the fine houses of Bath, about eight miles away.

During the war the mine was a munitions dump and a factory for military aircraft engines. It was equipped with what was then the second largest telephone exchange in Britain and a BBC studio from where the prime minister could make broadcasts to what remained of the nation. The telephone directories were last updated in 1989, the year the Berlin Wall came down.

A system of underground power stations would have provided electricity to the 100,000 lamps that lit its streets and guided the way to a pub modelled on the Red Lion in Whitehall.

A spur line was built inside a tunnel on the main London to Bristol railway, linking it to the bunker. It was meant as an escape route for the royal family to flee London in the event of an attack.

Code-named Burlington, it was never used and as the timescale for a perceived Soviet nuclear onslaught shrank to the notorious four-minute warning of armageddon, the whole concept of evacuating the Queen and her government became obsolete.

The bunker’s very existence was meant to be top secret until it was decommissioned last year. The last cabinet records were removed a decade ago.

A visit there today involves walking into an opening in a hillside and taking a lift down to the bunker. The only sentry is a garden gnome outside one of the entrances. Inside, it is like stepping back 50 years.

Hundreds of swivel chairs delivered in 1959 are still unpacked. There are boxes of government-issue glass ashtrays, lavatory brushes and civil service tea sets.

Pictures of the Queen, Princess Margaret and Grace Kelly are pinned to the walls. The canteen has murals of British sporting scenes painted by Olga Lehmann who went on to design costumes for films such as The Guns of Navarone and Kidnapped.

“It was like a set from The Avengers,” said Nick McCamley, author of Secret Underground Cities, who lived locally and first discovered the existence of the site in the 1960s.

Wing Commander Steve Röver-Parks, who is in charge of the Defence Communication Services Agency, which employs 2,200 service and civilian staff above ground at the site, said: “The MoD is in discussion with several interested parties but nothing has been signed and sealed.

“The mine will be part of a private finance initiative. Whoever gets the buildings above ground will have the rights to the mine. Wine storage is under consideration.”

Wine should keep well at the bunker’s constant temperature once equipment to control the humidity is introduced. Vintners expect an explosion in the sale of fine wines next year when changes in pension regulations will enable people to invest their savings in claret.

Michael Lainas, managing director of Octavian, which stores 800,000 cases of wine in another former stone quarry — three miles from the bunker — which the company bought from the MoD, said: “It’s a nice idea going from a red scare to red wine. Our most valuable deposit is a 1666 bottle of sherry valued at £36,000 that once belonged to the tsar of Russia. But even I am not allowed down there with a corkscrew.”

PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 7:53 pm
by Apollo
Good sales pitch :D

Carefully omits to mention that the place needs to have pumps running 24/7 to keep from being flooded by natural springs, and that vistors are limited to about 40 minutes underground do to the presence of naturally occurring radon gas.

Other than that, a future bargain :wink:

PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 9:55 pm
by stinkpad
Apollo wrote:vistors are limited to about 40 minutes underground do to the presence of naturally occurring radon gas.

Other than that, a future bargain :wink:

Even with this ventilation system?


More pics here:

PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 10:29 pm
by Vladimir
Where do the government hide if theres a nuclear war now?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 10:42 pm
by stinkpad
Vladimir wrote:Where do the government hide if theres a nuclear war now?

Duck and cover?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 9:32 pm
by Ronnie
*Official* photographs of Corsham here:

Also, great urban exploration (++) blog:

Happy exploring ...

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 9:38 pm
by StevenJ
do they ever do site visits to these places? I tried looking for links but found nothing ....

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 10:17 pm
by Pgcc93
StevenJ wrote:do they ever do site visits to these places? I tried looking for links but found nothing ....

Try here They organise visits for their members but you need to join (IE: send money!!) to get on the mailing list and don't expect much action here in Scotland as it seems to concentrate largely on visits to locations in England.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 11:24 pm
by Apollo
The only biggie you can get up here is The Secret Bunker up Anstruther way. It's actually quite a good wander, even if it did have to be re-assembled (so some detail isn't quite right), but the. Surprisingly, the walk along the extremely long entrance tunnel was the most memorable part for me.

There are now a number of privately leased or owned Royal Observer Corps observation posts which have been restored in Central Scotland. These can be visited during Open Days held during the year, and some also take part in Scotland's Doors Open Day scheme.

The problem with most of the bunkers (as opposed to observer posts) is that they've largely been demolished, used by councils as depots, sold off, or abandoned and are variously vandalised, burnt, flooded or otherwise trashed. Others remain within contolled areas.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 1:40 pm
by dazgen
I have been in this very structure....infact I live 5 minutes from it.......

It is a spooky place anytime of the day!

Corsham Bunker

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 8:56 am
by Dexter St. Clair
Article in Yesterday's Guardian by Steve Boggan,,2006085,00.html

There's quite a few ophotos in the G2 mag but not online.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 10:43 pm
by Field Marshall Shug
It would be a groovy place to set up your own empire. There is a good book called 'Micronations' out just now about peoples attempts to establish their own countries.